Chapter 15 - Head in The Clouds

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Aïcha was lying in bed, tossing and turning unable to sleep, her head invaded with conflicting thoughts. She was attracted to Tom and was excited for whatever was in store for them on Sunday but was afraid of what would happen next. Since her husband passed away, she hadn't allowed herself to get close to anyone, focusing solely on her daughter, stripping her every day to its bare necessities.

She knew that this, whatever it was, was not going anywhere. She had no intention of letting anyone really into her life, and Tom wasn't prepared to do that either. They were both clear about the absence of commitment and promise. And well, she couldn't believe in a million years that her ordinariness could be attractive to someone like Tom.

However, she had to decide if she was going to let herself go, at least for a moment, knowing very well this would end sooner than later. Or if this needed to end before it even started.

Exhausted by her overactive brain, she finally drifted off right into an erratic sleep. People were running around like headless chickens crashing into each other, banging with their fists on the closed doors surrounding them.

Sharp knocks that echoed in her room.

Aïcha opened an eye and quickly closed it again. It was just a dream.

Turning to her side, trying to go back to sleep, she heard pounding on the walls. Or so she thought. "Non mais arrête," she said putting a pillow over her head, asking whoever it was to stop the unbearable noise.

As her phone started ringing, she reluctantly sat in bed rubbing her eyes. It was three past five in the morning, too bloody early for her own taste.

"Oh merde." She had overslept.

Trying to untangle herself from the bed sheets, she fell off the bed with a loud thud followed by an even louder curse. When she finally managed to open the door, a dishevelled Aïcha found a chipper and cheerful Tom looking at her with a smirk on his face.

"Someone has overslept."

As she felt a headache and nausea creeping on her from the lack of sleep, Aïcha quickly realised she was in no way presentable to Tom, or anyone for that matter. She was wearing a white tank top that left little to the imagination. Something he seemed to be enjoying. Thank God her pyjama pants were on otherwise she would have buried herself six feet under.

"Euh, give me five minutes and I'll be ready," she finally said to Tom, turning her back to him. She ran to the bathroom leaving Tom stepping into her room and closing the door behind him.

"Merde merde merde !" Aïcha tried to beat the clock, washing her face, her teeth, combing her hair into a ponytail, putting on a fresh set of underwear, clothes and white converse. She added her sunglasses, unable to face Tom and the very early morning light.

"Ha! You were indeed very quick: five minutes and a few seconds. I'm impressed!"

"I'm talented like that," she answered laughing, finally relaxing. "Shall we go?"

"Après vous Madame." Tom opened the door for her.

As they finally stepped into the 4x4 waiting for them in front of the hotel, Aïcha turned to Tom asking, " So are you going to spill the beans and tell me for the love of God where you are taking me? You know I can just ask the driver, right?"

"Patience my dear."

"I will admit that patience is not my strong point."

"Well, you'll have to work on that, darling. In the meantime, do you fancy some coffee?" he said, a cup-to-go ready in his hand.

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