Chapter 42.1 - A Life of Sundays

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Tom placed a soft kiss on Aïcha's bare shoulder and slipped quietly out of bed, trying not to wake her up. It was too early, even for him, but he had been lying awake for more than an hour and was getting restless. Thoughts were swirling and disrupting his peace of mind since they spoke yesterday about what they could be.

The sun was rising just as he stepped outside in his running gear. He stretched to warm his limbs before starting off with a light jog towards Regent's Park. For the most part, the streets were empty, quiet, almost dreamy. Something not usually associated with the so ever busy city of London. The ground beneath his feet felt like his own personal treadmill, the road propelling him forward.


That was what Tom had been doing most of his adult life, wanting nothing more than to pursue his career and push it forward, as far as possible. He had been a professional actor for almost two decades and still had, in his mind, a lot to achieve. But lately, his priorities were shifting, bit by bit.

He wanted to make room for Aïcha in his life.

But what was it he wanted eventually? Marriage? Kids? If he was honest with himself, being a father was not his top priority. At least for the moment. He wanted that someday; he was sure of that. If it was up to his mum that would be sooner than later. He smiled as he pictured himself teaching them to play rugby, reading to them in the evenings, taking them to the theatre or with him on set when filming. Them. Yes, there was more than one. Two, if anyone was asking. A girl and a boy.

And what did Aïcha want? He knew her hesitations about making their two worlds meet. She didn't say it out loud, but she had dedicated herself to her daughter. It was her top priority. He welcomed the idea of meeting Mia one day; was, in fact, looking forward to it. Although he might need to brush up on his French. He made a mental note to ask Aïcha to practice with him.

Tom picked up his pace as he crossed Prince Albert road, the endorphin rush pumping through his body finally blasting at top speed. He expected the Park to be deserted this early on Sunday morning, but it was rather the end of Saturday night for the group of drunk youngsters zigzagging down the road. He smiled and waved at them as they cheered in their overenthusiastic state, before a squirrel running in circles captured their already limited attention.

The sun started to cast its light, and with it, the air began to heat up. Tom was heading now towards Primrose Hill for the last part of his run. He passed the benches on which no one yet was sitting, and attacked the hill trying to maintain his efforts. It was harder than it looked, the slope greatly increasing once closer to the top. But this wasn't his first run.

Slightly out of breath, Tom made it to the top of the hill and stopped to take in the magnificent view. He smiled as he remembered the last time he came there with Aïcha. He wished she was there with him. He wished she would always be with him, there on the top of Primrose Hill, and everywhere else. But what if she wasn't? For a moment, he panicked. He wasn't ready to accept that.

And as he descended the hill, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love with Aïcha. And it was scary and chaotic and shocking and beautiful, all at once.

By the time Tom was back, Aïcha was about to have a shower. He leaned his tall body against the doorframe as she twisted her hair up in a loose knot in front of the bathroom mirror, strands of it escaping on her neck. For him, she was the most beautiful sight even in old pyjamas and mismatched socks.

"Good morning beautiful."

Aïcha smiled and looked over to where he was standing. She still felt butterflies whenever he watched her like this. She looked back into the mirror and slipped off her nightwear, now standing in nothing but her panties.

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