Chapter 34 - London Calling

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"Girls, for the last time, will you please turn down the music!" Sofia rolled her eyes as the music from her daughters' room continued to play too loudly for her own taste.

"Let them be, they're just happy to see each other again," said Aïcha with an indulgent smile, making popcorn in her friend's kitchen.

Aïcha and Mia were spending Friday evening at Sofia's for an all girls' night of board games as James was out of town. As soon as they'd stepped into her friend's place, the girls jumped and screamed and giggled and quickly disappeared upstairs - only God knows what they were up to.

"It's so good to see them together. It has been a long time," added Aïcha. It had been a long time indeed, she thought to herself. A long time since she felt at peace. Mia had arrived on Monday and it was all she had needed to feel whole again. She needed her smile and her optimism. She needed her love and her presence in the place that once held their memory of a happy family.

When Mia had stepped into their apartment, the look on her face shook Aïcha to her very core, making her doubt the decision of moving back to Paris. But then Mia turned to her mum, tears streaming down on both their faces. "I missed this place, maman. I missed it so much." That first night, they both slept together on the pull-out sofa in the living room, Mia holding on to her mother and not letting go.

Tuesday morning, Mia declared that she was too big to sleep in her mother's arms and that the pull-out sofa was not that comfortable anyway. And did she mention to her mum that she snored like a train? Aïcha couldn't help but shake her head and laugh as Mia settled in her room before running back to her with a list of urgent things to buy. Because, apparently, a pineapple shaped lamp, glittery star garlands and the latest BTS CD were absolutely vital for a thirteen-year-old girl.

Aïcha carried the smile with her as she hurried through the kitchen door rummaging for the ringing phone in her bag. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Tom's name on the screen. She answered quickly, taking his call in the backyard and letting him know she couldn't talk right now. He had all forgotten about her evening at Sofia's.

"Send me a text when it's over and I'll call you back, will you?" said Tom.

"I don't know when that will be, and I don't want to wake you."

"Don't worry, I'm not sleeping anytime soon. Aïch, I really want to talk to you tonight."

Aïch. Nobody had ever called her that before. It was a nickname he gave her a couple of days ago, out of the blue. It had surprised her at first, but she grew to like it. She loved the sound of her Arabic name coming from Tom and loved the nickname even more. It felt intimate every time he said it.

Back to the kitchen, Sofia looked up, noticing Aïcha's dreamy smile. She took a quick glance around making sure the girls were not there. The music was still loud - if that was any indication of their upstairs' presence. "Was that Tom?"

Aïcha nodded. "He forgot we were here tonight."

She gave her a smile, ready to tease her friend. "When are you seeing each other again?"

"In a couple of weeks, I guess." She shrugged and went on, "We didn't make any plans yet, but we talked about seeing each other when I'll be in London to start my new project."

"And how long are you staying again in London?"

"A week."

"So, are you staying with him?" Sofia asked, fighting a smile while looking intently at her friend.

Aïcha almost dropped the plate of mini sandwiches she was making. "What? No! I don't know! Where is this coming from?"

"It seems perfectly logical to me. I would think it's going to be difficult for you guys to go out in London or meet in a hotel for, you know..." She wriggled her brows suggestively.

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