Chapter 2

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--Miras POV--

It's been a month since Lisanna came back, and I couldn't be happier. Though some strange things have been happening with team Natsu. Lucy hasn't been going on missions with them. I finished cleaning up the glasses I recently collected and walked over the the table she was at. "Kinana I'm going on break real quick." I yelled.

"Hey Lucy. What's up?" I asked genuinely concerned about her.
She didn't look up from the paper she was scribbling on.
"Oh.. hey Mira. Sorry I didn't hear you. What do you need?" She asked looking up at me.
"Can we go for a walk and talk?" I asked. "I don't really feel like it" she said. "please. I feel like we haven't had a chance to hang out in a while." I prodded with a small smile.
"Okay. I guess it wouldn't hurt to catch up" she caved with a smile.
"Great! Let's go!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the guild hall.

--Lucy's POV--
Mira dragged me out of the building and towards the park.
'why did I let her drag me out.' I thought as Mira let go of my hand stopping me in my tracks.
"What's been going on with you" she asked without turning around.
"What do you mean?" I asked stepping in front of her.
"Why have you been acting so strange. You don't go on missions with your team, and you don't talk to anyone. Not to mention you haven't genuinely smiled once since my sister returned." She said with a tear rolling down her cheek.
"I've just felt ignored lately. Don't get me wrong I love your sister. She is nice, strong, good with people. She's everything Natsu deserves." Crap why'd I say that last part out loud.
"What's natsu got to do with this?" She asked with wide eyes.
"Nothing your thinking. I just feel like he doesn't care about me."
"I'm sure it's not like that. He's just excited about Lisanna." She said
"I'm gonna head back to the guild." I said pulling Mira into a hug. "thanks for the talk." I said walking back the way we came.

--Miras POV--
Lucy went back to the guild leaving me standing alone to my thoughts. 'Why did she really bring up Natsu. And why does she still seem sad' questions ran through my head as I made my way back to th guild hall.
I reached the doors and heard the usual commotion. I prepared to duck when I opened the door. Sure enough as I walked through, a table flew past and out onto the street. "Natsu get that table and clean up this mess now. You too Gray" Erza commanded with a dark aura, scaring both boys who ran and did what she asked.
"Hey Mira. Can I get some cake" she asked.
"Huh? Oh sure. Coming right up. Kinana I'm back." I walked behind the bar to get Erzas cake. I got a piece and brought it to Erza who was sitting at the bar. I began cleaning the left over glasses noticing Lucy wasn't anywhere. "hey Erza?"
"What's up Mira?" She asked between bites.
"Have you talked to Lucy lately?"I asked. She seemed confused. "no.. why?"
"She just seems down lately. She doesn't appear to talk to anyone since Edolas." I told her.
"Huh.. I wonder why. I think she went home, I'll go try talking to her." The requip mage said as I cleaned up her plate.

--Erzas POV--
I finished up my cake and Mira took my plate.
"I think she went home, I'll go try talking to her." I said as I got up and walked in the direction of the celestial mages apartment.
Thoughts of recent events flooded my mind. I hope Natsu doesn't go through with it. After all, she trusts him the most in this guild.

End of chapter 2.
What could Erza be talking about?
What's natsu going to do.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


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