Chapter 6

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--3rd person POV--
Aquarius shot up in her chair breathing heavily. She looked over to see Lucy laying calmly in her hospital bed. Aquarius moved her chair closer to the bed and put her hand on top of Lucy's. "please wake up soon" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Just then, Aquarius felt pressure on her hand. She looked down to see Lucy's hand tightening around hers.

--Lucy's POV--
'where am I? Why is everything so bright? What's on my hand?' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes. I felt another person next to me, so I tried moving my hand to see who it was. "Lucy?" Said the person.
"Are you awake?" They said.
I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the bright lights. I was sore all over, so moving hurt. But I ignored the pain and turned my head to see a person with long blue hair sitting next to me crying. "A-Aquarius? Is that you?" I said slowly.
"Oh my goodness Lucy! Your awake!" She exclaimed.
"What happened? How long was I out?" I asked her as she slowly stopped crying.
"You've been out for several hours. You were low on magic power, but you summoned me to help you fight. I didn't attack quick enough and one of the monsters slashed your abdomen." She said sadly, tears brimming the edges of her eyes.
"Hey. It's okay. I'm still alive aren't I? You did well. Thank you" I said squeezing her hand in mine.
She looked at me, her blue eyes full of sorrow.

--Aquarius POV--
I looked up to see her smiling in front of me. "Erza and Mira finished the job for you. They are on their way to see you now. They should be here soon" I told Lucy, who looked down sad. "Natsu was right." She mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear. "How was he right?" I asked.
"He said I hide behind my spirits and other members of Fairy Tail. He was right. I couldn't even complete a lousy job by myself." She said with a tear rolling down her cheek.
"They only did it because I asked them too." I explained. "They were scared of losing you so they sent me to bring you here." I added.
We sat in silence for a few minutes.

--3rd Person POV--
Lucy and Aquarius sat in silence for a few minutes.

Erza and Mira were at the receptionist desk. "excuse me" Mira said to the person behind the counter. "Where can we find room 208?" Erza asked the man.
"Down the hall, 4th door on the left." The man said. "Thank you" they said in unison.
They walked down the hall and stood outside room 208. "do you think she's awake yet?" Erza asked turning to Mira. "I hope so. I've never seen Aquarius so worried" Mira said grabbing the handle.

--Miras POV--
I grabbed the handle and opened the door slowly. Erza and I slowly stepped into the room. "Hey Aquarius. How's she doing?" Erza asked. "She's awake" Aquarius said looking at Lucy.
I ran to the side of Lucy's bed. "I thought we lost you" I cried.

"Hey Mira. Hey Erza. Sorry for leaving you behind. And thanks. For finishing the job for me." She said the last part almost inaudibly. "why are you so sad?" Erza asked.
"She believes what Natsu said was true." Aquarius explained. 
"What did he say?" I asked.
"He said I was weak" Lucy said loudly. 
It was clear she wholeheartedly believed Natsu was right. 'how can we help her realize she's strong in her own way' I asked myself.
Then I remembered what Elfman once told me during the battle of Fairy Tail.


"I'm just useless now. Its the truth. I'm never able to help you." I said crying. "I'm sorry"

"No one thinks your useless. I promise. Your smile lifts everyone's spirits. It makes us think of the good things. Forget about this fighting crap." He said sitting up.

*End of Flashback*

"Hey Lucy." I got her attention.
"Yea Mira?" She said looking up at me.

"You don't have to be physically strong to be strong. All that matters is how you feel about yourself. You have been the light of Fairy Tail since you arrived. Despite his recent actions, Natsu has been happier since you arrived. Even Erza became more open to people. I myself had been able to deal with not having Lisanna around, because your so much like her. You make everyone around you happy, and help us see the good during bad times. We've become closer as a guild since you arrived. So don't ever think your weak. Fairy Tail wouldn't be as strong as it is without you there" I smiled at her.

"I agree with Mira. You have made me more of a people person. I don't know how I would have made it through the tower of heaven ordeal without you there to talk to. I am so much happier with you in my life. You have been like a little sister to me. Thank you for everything. You are one of the strongest wizards I know." Erza said resting her hand on Aquarius's shoulder.

"Though you don't have as much of Layla's grace, I put up with you. I was disappointed when I found out that my key had been passed to you. But I've come to care a great deal about you. Recent events made me realize just how much I care. I am glad that you are the wizard contracted with me." Aquarius said squeezing Lucy's hand.

--Lucy's POV--
After they all finished, I sat there crying. I never realized I meant that much to them. But Natsu is still right. I was replaced by Lisanna. That shows how weak I am. But that doesn't mean I don't have supporters. "thank you for your kind words, but I think I'm going to leave the guild for a while. I still feel like I am weak. So I'm going to find somewhere to train." I said, my crying redused to occasional tears.
"Why? We can help train you." Erza said, tears forming in her eyes.
"I need to be able to fight without help from anyone in the guild. Otherwise Natsu will be right forever. Please understand. I want to be able to be useful." I said reaching to give Erza a hug. 

--3rd Person POV--
Lucy, Erza, Mira, and Aquarius sat and talked until a nurse came in to check on Lucy's vitals. "it appears she has managed to stay within normal parameters for an extended period of time. She will be able to leave tomorrow after some rest. Visiting hours end in 2 hours." She said grabbing her clipboard and leaving.
"Do you want us to tell the mayor you completed the job? Or do you want to do it yourself tomorrow?" Erza asked.
"Can we do it together tomorrow?" Lucy asked hopefully. "of course" Mira said. "Although visiting hours don't end for another 2 hours, I think we should let her rest. She needs all her strength for the trip home tomorrow." Aquarius suggested.
"Sure thing" Erza and Mira said. They each gave Lucy a hug and walked out of the room.
"Thank you for all of your help today Aquarius." Lucy said laying down slowly.
"I'm just glad your okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Although your magic energy will be restored, I'll open my own gate in the morning." She said leaving Lucy to sleep.
Lucy was left alone to her thoughts. 'I need to figure out where I'll go to train. I'll also need to get communication lacrimas for me, Erza, and Mira.' she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

--Erza's POV--
Mira and I left Lucy's room and went to find a hotel to spend the night. As we walked down the street Mira suddenly stopped behind me, and I could hear her crying. I turned around to see her holding her face in her hands. "It's my fault isn't it. If it weren't for my sister, she wouldn't be planning to leave. I should have seen how Lisanna was hurting her. But I was too busy thinking about how lucky I was." She said falling to the ground. I ran up to her taking her hands I mine. "of course it's not your fault. You were not in control of your sisters actions. I'm sure Lucy doesn't blame you." I said pulling her into a hug. She tensed up and cried harder into my shoulder. "come on. We need to find a place to sleep. You definitely need to rest." I said pulling Mira up off the sidewalk.

--Time Skip--
We found a place to stay. Mira just got out of the shower, making it my turn. I took my shower, and requipped into my pajamas. When I got out, Mira had already fallen asleep. 'she used up a lot of energy today. Besides, neither of us got our wounds checked out.' I thought as I searched the room for a first aid kit. Sure enough there was one in the closet next to the bathroom. I wrapped up my arms, making sure I kept enough to wrap Mira. Sure she's asleep, but her injuries are worse than mine. Luckily she's a heavy sleeper.
I walked over to where she was sleeping and wrapped up her legs. I then went to wrap her stomach, remembering her saying something about it hurting. I carefully lifted her shirt to see a large, deep cut going from her left shoulder to her right hip. 'how was she not in pain all day  and why didn't she tell me how bad it is' I thought as I carefully applied medicine to the sleeping she-devils wound. I then moved on to wrapping her stomach being careful not to wake her. Once I was satisfied with her "treatment" I put the first aid kit away and climbed into bed, falling asleep soon after.

End of Chapter 6

Hope you enjoyed!

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