Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

Lucy flew off the second-floor balcony, landing on the table behind the drinking Cana. 

"Lucy! Are you alright?" The brunette asked putting her barrel down.

"I'm fine. Thanks." She said getting up from the remains of the small table. She looked up to see Lisanna jumping at her from the balcony. 

"Takeover! Cat!" Lisanna yelled midair. Lucy jumped backward causing Lisanna to land on broken pieces of the table. She quickly got back up and started swinging at Lucy, trying to hit her anywhere she could. She didn't care how much she hurt Lucy.

"Lisanna stop it!" Cana yelled. The whole guild was surrounding the two mages trying to figure out what happened.

"No! She hurt Mira. She has to pay." Lisanna yelled speeding up her attacks.

"That wasn't my fault!" Lucy yelled grabbing one of her keys. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" She yelled as Leo appeared in front of her. 

"What can I do for you?" He asked. 
"Help me stop her from attacking so I can explain," Lucy said pointing to the very angry takeover mage. Leo jumped behind her and wrapped his arms around her pinning her own to her sides. She struggled and tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he was too strong for her. 

"Let me explain!" Lucy yelled.

"Fine. But I better believe it." Lisanna growled, finally stopping her struggling.

"I went on a pretty dangerous mission, by myself. It entailed taking out a vast amount of monsters lurking in a forest. I got there and immediately began the mission. I wandered through the forest taking out any monsters I came across. Because I was by myself, it was pretty tough, but I was managing. I had come across a river, where I took a short break and had one of my spirits quickly take care of any minor injuries. I was then surprise attacked by a larger group of monsters. I summoned another one of my spirits but ended up getting seriously injured in the process. As I was losing consciousness, Erza and Mira showed up. After that, I blacked out and I don't know what happened." Lucy explained.

*Meanwhile, in the infirmary*

Wendy has been working nonstop to heal Mira's wound. A few minutes after Lisanna left the room, the group heard a loud crash outside.
"What was that?" Elfman asked looking up from his sleeping sister.

"I don't know but Mira's wound is finally healed. There will still be a scar, but she should wake up soon." Wendy said leaning back in her chair.

"You did great Wendy. Thank you." Erza said resting a hand on the dragon slayers shoulder. Suddenly another loud crash was heard. 
"I'm gonna go check it out." Erza said walking around the end of the bed and towards the door. She made her way to the edge of the balcony to see the guild surrounding Lucy and Lisanna. Leo was holding Lisanna still while Lucy was talking.

Erza's POV

I walked out of the infirmary to find Leo holding Lisanna, while Lucy was explaining what happened.

"... I summoned another one of my spirits but ended up getting seriously injured in the process. As I was losing consciousness, Erza and Mira showed up. After that, I blacked out and I don't know what happened." Lucy explained.

I could see Lisanna didn't believe what Lucy was saying. "Maybe I can help clear things up," I said jumping down from the balcony. I walked through the crowd to where Lucy and Lisanna were and cleared up the end of the story.

"After Lucy lost consciousness, Mira and I had Aquarius take her to a hospital. We decided that since Lucy had done most of the work, but was unable to finish, we would help her out. We defeated the rest of the monsters, unaware of the last monster being much larger than the rest. With Lucy out of the way, we hastily took down the rest of the monsters and came across the final one.  This one, however, was much larger. I was in my heavens wheel armor, and Mira was in her satans soul. We attacked the beast with everything we had, each getting injury after injury. After a while of relentless attacking, the beast finally fell. We caught our breath and examined our injuries. I had minor wounds all over the place from being on the ground most of the time. Mira's injuries were more on her legs since she was flying most of the time." I explained as the guild listened intently to what I was saying. 

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