Chapter 4

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--Erzas POV--
Mira and I left the Masters office and ran out of the guild towards Lucy's apartment.
"I hope she's still there" Mira said.
"Me to. But she's got Virgo, who's pretty fast." I reminded her.
"We better hurry." Mira said running faster.

After a few minutes of running Mira and I reached her apartment. Luckily for us her door was unlocked, but she was nowhere to be found.
"Erza!" Mira called from Lucy's desk.  "I found a letter" she added.
I made my way over to where Mira was and she started reading:

     Erza and Mira
  Sorry I left without you... I have to prove to Natsu that he's wrong. I can handle myself.
P. S. I'm not returning until the mission is complete.

"What do we do?" I asked Mira.
"We follow her. We know where she went. As long as we hurry, we should be able to catch up with her." She explained.

--Mira's POV--
We ran out of Lucy's apartment towards the train station. When we arrived I went to get tickets too Waas town. "I'm sorry. The next train there is in 5 hours." The man apologized.
"It's okay. Thank you" I have him a small smile. It's not his fault.
I went outside to find Erza. "Erza. The next train is in 5 hours." I said sadly.
"We can't wait that long." She huffed.
'I'll have to fly us using my Satan's soul' I thought aloud.
"Wait! Won't that drain you of your magic?" Erza asked concerned.
"Lucy is more important than my magic energy." I said transforming. I grabbed Erza by her shoulders. "hold on!" I yelled as I took off into the sky towards Wass town.

--Time Skip Lucy's POV--
Once the train arrived I went to the mayor's house. When I arrived I knocked, and when he answered I simply said "I am a member of Fairy Tail here to complete your request." Showing him my guild mark and handing him the paper. "alright. The forest is Northeast. The monsters tend to come out at night." He explained. I thanked the man and left. "Good luck!" He called as I walked towards the towns magic shop. I have a few hours before nightfall, so I decided to see if there magic shop had any celestial keys. When I arrived the owner said they hadn't received any in a while. I guess I'll have to make do with the ones I have.

--Time skip 3rd person POV--
It was currently 6 p. m. and Erza and Mira had arrived outside Waas town. Mira had exhausted almost all of her magic energy flying them.
"We need to find the mayor's house. Will you be alright?" Erza asked Mira, concerned. "I'll be fine. Let's worry about Lucy." The replied heading into town.
The two mages made their way towards the mayor's house. When they arrived he explained to them that Lucy had come through and told them the same things he told her.

*With Lucy*
Lucy made her way into the forest preparing her keys. A few feet in, little monsters jumped out in front of her. She grabbed her whip and took them out. "10 down, 990 to go" she sighed.
After an hour of wandering, Lucy had defeated about 78 more. (88/1000)
Erza and Mira reached the edge of the forest and saw the first few monsters laying in the ground. "she seems to be handling herself okay" Erza said motioning to the trail of monsters leading deeper into the forest.

--Time Skip several hours--
Lucy was out of breath, using a tree for support. She just finished off 6 more monsters "Thanks for the help Taurus. You can rest now" she said as Taurus retreated into the celestial world. She stumbled deeper into the forest and came across a river.

--Lucy's POV--
'I really wish I brought them with me' I thought to myself. Wait. Why an I thinking that. I need to prove Natsu wrong. I stumbled towards the river, wincing every time I put pressure on my right leg. When I reached the water, I realized just how extensive my injuries were. My jacket sleeve is ripped showing a huge cut across my left shoulder. Both of my arms are covered in various cuts and bruises. I hadn't noticed that one of the monster slashed my face, as there were 3 really spaced cuts across my right eye. My pants were no longer pants, as they had been ripped to shorts. I was also missing my right shoe. My ankle is swollen. 'it's either broken or bruised really bad' I thought examining my ankle.
After looking myself over I called Virgo to help me clean and wrap my wounds.
"Open, Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" I chanted. Virgo appeared at my side. "can you help me wrap my wounds" I asked.
"Sure thing, princess." She said as she started wrapping up my arm. "would you like some new clothes as well princess?" She asked as she moved to my other arm.
"no thank you. They would just get ripped up" I responded.
Slowly Virgo finished wrapping my wounds. "anything else princess?" Virgo asked.
"No. You can rest now. Thanks for the help." I said closing her gate.
"Good luck" she said as she vanished from my side.
Once Virgo left, approximately 15 more monsters came from behind the trees across the river.
"Great" I said as I struggled to stand, ignoring the pain throughout my body.
'luckily I'm next to water' I thought as I took out one of my strongest keys.
"Open, Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius" I yelled shoving the key into the water. A second later, Aquarius appeared beside me.
"Jeez you little brat. What now?" She asked looking away annoyed.
'crap, I can barely hold her gate open' I thought.
"Please help me with these guys" I asked tired.
"Fine." She said, blasting them with a huge wave of water.

--Aquarius POV--
Lucy opened my hate. What could they little brat possibly want now.
I appeared at her side and sighed. "jeez you little brat. What now?" I asked angrily without looking at her.
"Please help me with these guys" she asked sounding a bit tired.
"Fine" I said, blasting them with a wave of water. As the mist cleared and the monsters fell, I glanced over to where Lucy was standing. 'She's in pretty bad shape.. what's she doing fighting by herself' I thought. I can sense she's almost out of magic power, so I held my own gate open so she doesn't run out.
I noticed she started to sway. "Lucy?" I asked. It was at that moment I noticed the crimson liquid pouring from her abdomen. "LUCY!" I yelled as she fell to the ground, unconscious.
End of Chapter 4

What will happen to Lucy?
Will Erza and Mira reach her in time?

Hope you enjoyed!

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