Chapter 9

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--Makarov POV--

Finally. My children are coming home. I decided I would do something I do not normally do.
"Listen up brats.  I'm headed to the train station. I'll be back in an hour." I yelled walking out the door.
Erza told me they were headimg back, which means they should be arriving soon.
I slowly made my way to the station. When I arrived I looked at the arrivals board. It would be a few minutes, so I decided to get some lunch.
Shortly after.. their train arrived.

--Erza's POV--
As the train neared Magnolia, I looked over to see Lucy and Mira sleeping. I reached over and shook Lucy awake.
"Are we there yet" she asked sleepily rubbing her eyes.
"Almost. Could you wake up Mira."
I asked.
"Huh? Oh yea sure." See said reaching over to Mira.

--Lucy's POV--
Erza just woke me up and asked me to wake up Mira. I slowly reached over and grabbed her arm. I lightly shook her trying to wake her up. 'Hmm. This is harder than I thought. She must be a heavy sleeper.' I thought shaking her a little harder.
"I can't get her to wake up." I said looking to Erza.
"What? She's a really light sleeper. It should be easy." See said returning to her seat, shifting in front of Mira.
"Mira? It's time to get up. We are almost home." She said resting a hand on Mira's knee.
"Why won't she wake up?" I asked her worried.
"I don't know but maybe Wendy can help. We're 2 minutes from our stop."
"Ok.." I said.

--Mira's POV--

There is a blinding light all around me. I remember falling asleep on the train. It's been almost half an hour. We should be arriving in Magnolia soon. I need to wake up.


Why can't I wake up?

I can hear Lucy. I can feel her shaking my arm.. but I can't do anything. I can't move. What's happening to me.
I can hear muffled noises but I can barely make them out.
Something about sleeping.. and Wendy. Maybe they are going to take me to Wendy. I hope she can figure this out.
Please let her figure this out.

--Makarov POV--
As I finished my lunch I heard a train whistle, signaling the arrival of their train. I went over to the arrivals platform and waited for them to get of. I'm not sure which car they are on so I'm not standing to close. After a few minutes I spotted a head of scarlet hair. "Erza!" I called.
"Master! What are you doing here?" She asked walking over with Lucy behind her. It was then I noticed Mira was on Erzas back.. unconscious.
"What's wrong with Mira?" I asked looking up at her.
"We can't seem to wake her up.." she said. Lucy had tears forming in her eyes and Erza was holding them back.
"Here. Let me carry her." I said slowly growing to a point where I could easily carry Mira.
Erza slowly slide Mira off her back and into my arms.
"We need to get her to Wendy to see if she can help." Lucy said.
"Let's go then." I said walking in the direction of the guild with them trailing behind.

--Time Skip--

We arrived at the guild and Erza opened the doors and led us to the infirmary. As we walked many members stopped what they were doing and watched us. Elfman saw his sister and came running over.
"What happened to Mirajane." He said taking her from me. "Let's get to the infirmary" I said going back to my normal size.
"Ok." He said carrying her up the stairs. He carefully laid her down on one of the beds and Erza left to find Wendy. Lucy sat in the chair beside Mira and held her hand. Elfman sat on the other side and held her other hand.
"I do not know all the details, but she has an injury that is causing more damage than we realized." I said looking at Mira's sleeping form.
Her breathing was shallow and slow. 'We may even need Porlyusica for this.' I thought as Wendy walked in followed by Erza and Lisanna.
"Wendy! Please help my sister" Elfman said moving for Wendy to get beside Mira.
"What did you do to my sister?" Lisanna yelled at Lucy.

--Lucy's POV--
"What did you do to my sister" Lisanna yelled at me.
"I didn't do anything."  I said getting up from my chair.
"Then why is she unconscious with Wendy trying to figure out why?" She said coming towards me.
"I dont know. She was injured on the job, but the doctor said she was fine." I slowly backed away from her.
"Natsu was right. You are weak. My sister wouldn't be hurt if she didn't have to worry about saving your weak butt. All you do is get yourself into trouble and the rest of the guild has to save you." She said backing me into a corner.
"If you really think that then I'll leave. You'll never have to save me again" I yelled at her.
"That's enough. Lisanna leave her alone" Erza said grabbing Lisanna's collar.
"No Erza. She's right. I'm weak. All you guys do is save me. I'm leaving." I said walking past them.
"I'm sorry about your sister Elfman. I hope she wakes up soon" I said leaving the room.
"Master. Stop her!" I heard Erza yell.
"Wait my child." He said walking out after me.
"What now?" I asked turning to face him.
"If you really feel like you need to leave, you could at least say something to those who care about you. Wait until Mira wakes up. Then say goodbye to her and Erza. After all, they both care a great deal about you." He said.
"Fine. But I'm not waiting in the same room as her." I said sitting on the floor.
"That's alright. I need to speak with her anyway." He said.

--Erza's POV at the same time--
"What's wrong with you Lisanna?" I asked angrily.
"She hurt my sister. Natsu was right. You must know that." She said folding her arms.
"How could you say that" Wendy said while attempting to heal Mira.
"Haven't you noticed? Your healing is barely working." She yelled at Wendy.
"But it's working isn't it. I don't see you doing anything!" Wendy yelled back. Who knew Wendy could yell like that.
"Lisanna. I'm sorry but I think you need to leave" Elfman said looking up from Mira to her.
"I agree. This arguing isn't good for Wendy's concentration." I said.
"Fine. But you better tell me when she wakes up." She said storming out.

--Lisanna's POV--
"Lisanna. I'm sorry but I think you need to leave" Elfman said looking up from Mira to me.
"I agree. This arguing isn't good for Wendy's concentration." Erza said.
"Fine. But you better tell me when she wakes up." I yelled storming out.
I closed the door behind me and saw Lucy sitting on the floor beside the door.
"What are you still doing here" I yelled dragging her up from the floor.
"Master told me to say bye to her before I leave." She said with panic in her eyes.
"You don't deserve to talk to her anymore" I said throwing her from the second floor. She fell onto the table behind Cana.
"Lucy! Are you alright!" She said putting her barrel down.
"I'm fine. Thanks." She said getting up.
"Takeover: cat!" I yelled jumping from the balcony.

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