Chapter 3

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--Erzas POV--
The walk to Lucy's apartment was short. I walked to her door and prepared to knock when I heard her talking to someone. "Why me Plue. The things I've heard people say *sniff* do you think they are right?" She sounded like she was crying. With my hand hovering in front of the door, I hesitantly knocked.

*Knock knock*

"Just a sec" I heard her call.
I heard her stumble or trip over something and hit the floor.
"Lucy? Are you ok?" I called through the door.
"Lucy???" I tested the handle. Good. it's unlocked. I stepped through to see her on the floor with a cut on her forehead. "Lucy!" I ran to her bathroom and got the first aid kit. I carefully picked her up and put her on the bed and began cleaning up the cut. It doesn't look too bad. I'll have Wendy check it later.

--20 minutes later. Lucy's POV--
I woke up to a certain requip mage sitting at my desk. "Erza? When did you get here?" I asked sitting up. Pain shot through my head as I felt the band-aid across my left temple. "thank goodness your awake. I came about 20 minutes ago to talk. Mira seems worried about you. I came to see how your doing." She explained.
"Oh.. thanks. I'll be okay." I lied.
"Good. So.. wanna go on a mission?" She asked.
She seemed to believe me. "Who is going?" I asked
"Just us. You can pick the mission tomorrow and I'll go with you." She said with a smile.
"Ok. See you tomorrow then?" I asked hoping she would leave. I don't mean to be rude but I wanna be alone right now.
"Okay! See ya" she said walking out with a wave.

--Erzas POV--
I left Lucy and headed back to the guild. I wanted to tell Mira how Lucy's doing. I walked in to find Mira delivering various plates of food and drinks to people. I decided to sit at the bar and wait for her to return.
"Hey Erza. How'd it go with Lucy?" She asked cleaning up dishes she just collected.
"She seems ok.. she knocked herself out when I got there.." I told her.
"What?? Is she okay?" Mira asked almost dropping the cup she was drying.
"Yea. She's ok. I invited her on a mission, just the two of us. Maybe you could tag along too? She would probably be okay with that." I asked.
"Sure. We'll see tomorrow. What mission?" She asked.
"Not sure. I told her she could pick one in the morning."
"kay." She said with a smile.

--time skip the next morning--
--Lucy's POV--
I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I took a quick bath and picked out some clothes. I decided on a black tank top with a red jacket, some navy blue ripped jeans and brown combat boots. What? I've got to pick a mission. I don't know what's there. I grabbed my belt strapping my keys and whip to it. I checked my fridge and saw nothing I felt like putting together for breakfast. 'guess I'll eat at the guild before picking a mission' I thought as I turned my lights out and headed out.

When I reached the guild I sat at the bar. I was greeted by Erza and Mira.
"Good morning Lucy. What can I get you?" Mira asked.
"Hey Mira. Can I get a strawberry milkshake?"
"Sure thing. Be right back!" She said cheerfully.
"Hey Lucy. Is it okay of Mira tags along on our mission? She hasn't left the guild in a while. She could use the break.." Erza asked me while we waited for Mira to return.
"Yea. Sure. Sounds like fun." I replied flashing a smile.
"Here you go Lucy" Mira said putting the milkshake on the counter in front of me.
"Thanks Mira!" I said smiling.
"What's got you so happy today?" She asked
"Your coming with us!" Erza said excitedly.
"Awesome. Thanks Lucy" Mira came around the bar and hugged me. 'what was that for' I wondered.

I finished my milkshake and Mira took my glass. "I'm gonna go pick a mission. Be right back" I said getting up to go to the request board. Suddenly, a pink haired fire mage was in front of me with a silvery-white haired take over mage beside him. Natsu and Lisanna. "Hey Natsu" I said trying to look at the board.
"Hey Lucy. I've got something to say." He said with a serious tone. "okay. What's up" I said looking away from the board. "I'm sorry to say, but your not part of team Natsu anymore." He said seriously. Lisanna stood behind him "sad".
"What? Why?" I was confused. Why is this happening?
"You see. Lisanna is way stronger than you. Besides, all you do is hide behind either us or your spirits. Aside from Gildarts and Laxus, my team is the strongest, and your holding us back." His words felt like a knife stabbing my heart. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face as I grabbed the hardest quest I could see and ran out of the guild. "Wait Lucy!" I heard Erza and Mira call after me. I just kept running to my apartment to get ready for a solo quest. 'sorry Erza. Mira. I can't let him be right.' I thought as I summoned Virgo to help me pack my quest bag.

--Erzas POV--
I was talking to Mira when I heard the sound of paper ripping and Lucy running out of the guild. "Wait Lucy!" Mira and I called after her but she didn't stop. I looked over to the request board to see Natsu standing there with a smirking Lisanna. I stormed over there and lifted Natsu by his scarf. "What did you do!" I yelled angrily. "I just told Lucy she was out if team Natsu. You know she's weak. I mean, if it weren't for us and her stupid spirits she would probably be dead by now. I mean come on. How many times have we had to save her weak butt." He said with a tinge of fear. "Mira, what job did she take?" I yelled. Mira's response pushed me over the edge.

--Miras POV--
After Lucy ran out I went and grabbed the request book. I heard Erza yelling at Natsu, so I looked to see what job Lucy took. 'oh no. She can't do that on her own' I thought when I figured out what job she took. "Mira, what job did she take?" Erza called to me. "Probably the hardest on the board. It asks to defeat 1,000 monsters in Waas Forest." I told her, fear evident. That seemed to push her over the edge, as she threw Natsu across the guild. She then grabbed my hand and ran up to the Masters office. "what can I do for you two?" He asked.
"Master. Mira and I need to leave immediately. Lucy may be in danger." Erza explained.
It was easy to tell the master was confused, so I pulled out the request she took and explained, "Lucy took this and ran out of the guild. I think she plans to go solo. She left me and Erza behind."
"Go quickly. Try to stop her, but if that doesn't work, accompany her. I think I know just the brat to scold" Master said as we ran out if the guild.
End of chapter 3

How will the mission play out.
Will they be able to stop Lucy, or will they have to save her life.

Hope you enjoyed.


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