Chapter 2

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  The first thing you had to do was meet him. You grabbed a pen and a log paper before heading to the therapy room. It was a room with a single door, grey walls and one table with two chairs. You sat on one side and waited for the patient to be brought in. You filled out the paper with your name and the date as the door opened and two men in white uniforms dragged him in. The patient was wearing a straight jacket, the men sitting him down roughly. You waved them away and met eyes with the Joker. His hair was bright green and his skin was a bleached white. Tattoos covered his exposed skin.

  “Hello.” You greeted, reading the word Damaged on his forehead. He flashed you a silver smile.

  “Hi there.” He replied. You wrote down Very chipper on the log paper.

  “I'm doctor (L/N). You can call me (Y/N) if you'd like.” You introduced, clicking your pen.

  “I'm sure you know who I am, Doc.” The Joker smiled.

  “I do.. What would you prefer to be called?” You asked.

  “Joker.” He replied quickly. You nodded writing Joker down.

  “Okay, Joker. How are you feeling?” You questioned, clicking your pen again. His smile widened.

  “I'm feelin’ great. Got caught by the Batman then sent back to Arkham. I'm just delighted to be here again.” He responded. You wrote Seems happy to be back.

  “Why do you say that?” You asked, narrowing your eyes slightly.

  “Oh! I always have fun finding a new way to escape..” He explained before giving you a serious look. You wrote down He enjoys escaping.

  “I'll make you a deal, Doc… I'll keep answering your little “questions” if I can ask you some. A question for a question.” He bargained. You thought for a moment.

  “Alright, it's a deal.” You agreed. The man was strange, creepy even, but he wasn't terrifying you. He wasn't giving you the psychopath feeling.

  “Okay then, Doc.. How strong do you think your will is?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. You clicked your pen in thought.

  “I'd say my will is very strong. It has to be for this job.” You answered, looking down at your paper to write Enjoys learning about people. It was your turn to ask.

  “Joker, why do you kidnap women?” You inquired. You seriously wanted an answer. His look brightened.

  “Have you ever broken someone's will, Doc?” He asked in reply. You shook your head, clicking your pen nervously.

  “I can't say that I have.” You answered. He nodded once.

  “It's intoxicating. Being in power. Breaking someone. I love it.” He explained, grinning like a mad man. You looked down and wrote Enjoys being empowered. Probably childhood issues. Also enjoys breaking the minds of others. Control issues, maybe? You looked back up at the Joker.

  “Do you remember a time when you were a kid.. When you felt powerless?” You asked, glancing at the paper. He tilted his head.

  “Oh, Doc.. It's my turn.” He whined. You shook your head.

  “No, after I asked my question you asked one.” You responded, folding your arms. The Joker looked angry. Enraged, like he was going to snap before he began laughing.

  “Now /that's/ funny!” He yelled, getting his laughter under control. You clicked your pin and wrote Covers up emotion with laughter. When you looked up he was staring intensely at you.

  “There was a time…. Though I don't recall much.. When I was kidnapped by a crazy guy.” He explained, a grin growing across his face.

  “The man tortured me… But that's all I can remember.” You nodded, drawing a line down to write Was kidnapped. Maybe brainwashed. You looked back up as the men walked back in to take the Joker back to his cell.

  “I will see you tomorrow.” You smiled. He laughed.

  “I'm counting on it.”

  After filing your report for the day you went to lunch, ordering your usual burger and fries and sitting at a corner table. While sitting you thought you noticed a group of men continuously looking back at you. They'd do it then mumble, when you locked eyes with one they quickly glanced away. They were all middle aged white men with seemingly no defining characteristics, except one. One of them was tall with a muscular build and dark skin. He was facing toward you and you could tell he had a tattoo under his eye. A teardrop. These guys were definitely bad news. You ate quickly, avoiding eye contact. You'd never seen them around before, seeing as how you lived on the relatively good side of Gotham. After you finished your food you threw away your trash before rushing to your car. You could see two of the four men get up. Were they following you? Without another thought you climbed into your car and started driving. You drove around for a while, scared that they would follow you home. You noticed a car begin to follow you, but as you finally made it home the car seemed.. Normal. That didn't stop you from locking all your doors and making sure the windows to locked as well. Your dog followed you happily, giving you some comfort. You had no problems the rest of the day.

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