Chapter 14

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You opened your eyes to see a police officer sitting next to your bed.
  “Hello…?” You mumbled. He seemed to notice you speak, sitting up straight.
  “Miss (L/N)... How are you feeling?” He asked. You groaned.
  “Like the dead… It hurts so bad..” You grumbled weakly. The officer nodded.
  “We've been looking for you… 6 days of searching and you show up in a hospital…. You're a very lucky girl.” He smiled. You nodded absentmindedly. You weren't going to rat out the Joker, not when you could change him.. Maybe even save him.

  The officer had you recant your week with the Joker. You didn't tell him about certain things like Oswald Cobblepot and how Joker had saved you. When the officer asked if you remembered the place you told him no and that they kept you blindfolded in the car. You would be of no use to them. He pat your hand.
  “Get well soon, hun.” He smiled before leaving. You knew exactly where Joker's hideout was. The problem was getting there. Maybe it was stupid, obsessive. Maybe you were just brainwashed… But you wanted to go back, and you didn't know why. If you waited until you were healed you'd have cops and people following you everywhere. If they think you're bedridden they'll be less likely to notice you slip out. Very quietly you climbed out of bed, during off the drip on the IV and pulling it out. You felt no pain as you wrapped Gauze around it. You looked around, but couldn't find any clothes, just the cop's jacket. You took it and slid it over your gown, peeking out of your hospital room. Too many people. You turned, looking around. How could you appear more natural? You went into the bathroom and found a bag of clothes with a note.

  It's Joker. I… I feel bad for what happened, and I hope you don't hate me. Go back to your life, your family.. You're free.. I had Beth bring you these clothes for when you got released from the hospital. I promise I won't ever bother you again.

With mad love (haha), Joker.

You opened the bag. A pair of jeans, a hoodie, a bra. and panties. You ignore the bra and got dressed, you'd hurt yourself putting it on if you tried. Under the clothes were a pair of slipper shoes that you put on. With much difficulty you walked to the elevator then through the lobby. No one asked questions, because no one knew you were a patient. Once you were outside you hitchhiked to the motel where you'd been stabbed. People in uniforms patrolled around so you began walking down the road towards Joker's hideout. It was going to be a long a painful walk.

  When it finally, finally came into view tears streamed down your face. You could barely move it hurt so bad, and breathing was near impossible. You kept walking though, kept walking until you reached the building and knocked on the door. A tall man answered. He had dark skin and a clown mask on.
  “I-Is the Joker in?” You asked, barely above a choked sob.
  “Who's askin’?” The man questioned, crossing his arms. You nearly collapsed, but the man caught you.
  “It's the Doc…” You gasped. The man seemed to recognize the name because he pulled you inside, closing the door.
  “Someone bring me a wheelchair, now.” He barked. In seconds you were sat in an old time wheelchair, being pushed. Your head lolled almost lazily and you felt something slick in your hoodie, but it wasn't important. The man wheeled you to a door and knocked. Someone inside yelled profanities before the door swung open. Joker nearly dropped to his knees when he saw you.
  “(Y/N)?.. W-what are ya doin’ here?” He asked shakily. You smiled, it was the first time he used your name.
  “Can't get rid of me.. That easy.” You whispered. Joker knew something was wrong.
  “How did you get here?” He asked.
  “Snuck out… Walked.” You mumbled. Joker panicked, pulling off the hoodie. You were too weak to even cover your exposure. There was blood all over the back of the hoodie.
  “You must've ripped your stitches… Let's get that taken care of..” He said, covering you up. You knew what he meant. He wasn't going to send you back. He was going to take care of you himself.


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