Chapter 10

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   When you woke up you were in a different room, one you didn't recognize. You quickly figured out that it was Joker’s room. The walls were white with HAHAHA painted everywhere in marker and in what looked like blood. The bed was a queen sized, the comforter a lavish purple. You turned your head, with much difficulty, noticing the Joker was sleeping shirtless next to you. You didn't know what to do so you sat there motionless. You were happy that he'd been guarding you, but you were disgusted that he was near your person at all. He was covered in tattoos, probably a hundred of them. Half the blankets were tucked in between the bed, the other half Joker was laying on. You were trapped, and rather confined. Joker seemed to sense your discomfort, opening his eyes quickly. His dark green eyes pierced yours.
  “How are you feeling?” He asked. You thought for a moment. You felt nothing.
  “I'm not.. Hurting.” You explained. Joker nodded and rolled off the bed, allowing you to pull off the blankets. Your clothes were different. You were wearing bright orange tights, a green belt connected to a green tutu on top of it. You were just in a purple bra with green cups. (As seen in the picture.). Your torso was covered in bandages, hiding any skin there.
  “What the…?” You questioned. Joker smirked.
  “Our little visitor last night got blood all over your outfit so I had to to choose another.” He explained, picking you up. You assumed he’d given you some killer pain meds while you were out, because you felt nothing. He carried you into the kitchen, sitting you down in a chair and ordering that breakfast be made. You didn't remember much from the night before.
  “What happened last night?” You questioned, messing with the fabric of your tutu. He sat down next to you.
  “One of my boys went to your room last night and tried to have his way with you…” He started, trying to jog your memory.
  “You stabbed him and he punched you, reopening some of the wounds I left.. I took you back to my toy room and fixed you up. You'll be sleeping in my room from now on.” Joker explained, tapping his fingers on the table.
  “Thank you, but… Where will you sleep?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
  “I'll share with you!” He giggled. You nodded, looking down. How could it get any worse?
  “But don’t worry, Doc, I made an example out of him… I think everyone understands not to touch my stuff.” He winked. You gave him a small smile. You were a human being, not an object. But him marking you meant that the others would leave you alone, and that's all you could ask for at that point. Only having to worry about one psycho. He slammed his hand down on the table, making you jump and snap from your thoughts.
  “You know, Doc.” He giggled, looking you dead in the eye.
  “What I can't figure out is how you managed to get that fork in the first place…” Joker leaned over until you could feel his hot breath against your skin. You had the strangest, and most disgusting, urge to kiss him. You did not.
  “Doc, did you steal from the table yesterday?” He hissed. You gulped and whimpered, nodding slightly. He narrowed his eyes and growled pulling back and yanking both of your arms up. You yelped as he pulled a black zip tie from his back pocket, binding your wrists together painfully tight. You whimpered again, struggling against it.
  “If you can't be grateful for the freedoms I give you then I'll take them away..” He said smoothly, relaxing in his chair. You rested your hands in your lap as the food was brought in. Joker dug in quickly, wolfing down his food. You sat there, staring down at your plate.
  “Eat.” Joker commanded. You gulped and grasped the fork between your hands, attempting to cut off a piece of your omelet. You dropped the fork and Joker grabbed it, beginning to feed you. As you ate you wondered why he was feeding you. He was treating you like you were his friend. Like he cared, and that terrified you.
  After breakfast Joker spoke to one of his men, rolling his eyes exasperatedly. He picked you up and carried you past the bedroom. You had no idea where he was taking you until he opened the door to an office looking room, though it was mostly destroyed. One full wall was gone, revealing a large mansion looking space.
  “Woah..” You commented. Joker set you down in a rolling chair, pushing you out onto the floor. A man walked in the door, two women poised behind him. The women each had some type of automatic rifle strapped around them. They looked to be twins, no older than you. The man (Because Gotham) was wearing a black suit with a purple vest over a white dress shirt. He walked with a heavy limp, a very fancy cane clicking on the cement floor. You soon recognized this man as Oswald Cobblepot, leader of the underworld.
  “Pengy! What brings you here?” Joker asked, sliding his coat onto his shoulders and stepping beside you. Oswald smiled, placing both hands on his cane.
  “I’ve learned the whereabouts of Harleen Quinzel as per our agreement.” He explained, tapping his foot. The women stood motionless, nearly like statues.
  “An no one is going to get in my way when it comes to offing her, I assume.” Joker smirked, setting a hand on your shoulder.
  “She is completely unguarded.” Oswald explained absentmindedly, handing the Joker a black envelope.
  “Thanks.” He replied gruffly.
  “Now for your end of the bargain.”
  “Oh, yeah.” He smiled, whistling loudly. Oswald looked down to stare at you.
  “Replaced Harley already?” He asked, surprised. Joker tapped his fingers on your shoulder.
  “Not quite.. This is my pet.. Formally known as Dr. (L/N).” Joker explained. Oswald smiled down at you.
  “I see.. Another one of your.. Test subjects..” He raised his eyebrows. Before Joker could speak again another man was brought in. He was tied up and gagged, his face bruised and cut.
  “Hello, Jonathan!” He greeted, grabbing the man by the hair.
  “You thought you could learn all my little secrets and betray me!.. I knew your plan from the beginning, and I've long awaited this moment.” Oswald laughed, pulling out a blade. He raised it up in the air and you stood.
  “No, stop!” You protested, your legs feeling like they were going to buckle. Oswald hesitated.
  “Doc..” Joker warned. You took a shaky step forward, then another. Grabbing Jonathan and trying to pull him away from Oswald. The suited man didn't like that much, stabbing the blade into Jonathan’s neck before dropping him. Your eyes widened in horror as Oswald grabbed you, holding the knife to your neck.
  “Pengy!” Joker snarled, towering.
  “Don’t touch what doesn't belong to you.”
  “You should tell your pet the same.” He hissed, removing the knife and shoving you forward. You stumbled and tripped over Jonathan, landing on your hands and knees. As Oswald turned and walked out Joker picked you back up. The women followed Oswald almost robotically, closing the door behind them.
  “Jesus, Doc. Are you tryin’ to get yourself killed?!” He questioned. You buried your face into your hands and began to cry. You just wanted to go home.

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