Part 1: Fall and fight -A secret between enemies

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IT became an habit of them, it would feel weird to both if the situacion wouldn't repeat after a week, , The alien squid had returned to Bellwood to try unsuccessfully to obtain the most powerful device in the universe .. of the wrist of a human child, a race so insignificant, ignorant and stupid, but that even at his young age he managed to win back to the WarLord, Even the most capable warrior would have no chance against an opponent who doesn't follow any pattern, which is erratic, quick thinking but not at all close to the rules of fights

Even the free fights follow some rules and patterns ... this boy, on the other hand, seems to only make a strange mixture of fights and the use of alien skills to save himself.

Of course he couldmn't win so easily .. but if at every minute with the brat was stressing more and more, he had never been in front of someone so insubordinate, disrespectful and annoying ..

If being enemies could get him out of his calm in record time .. the conqueror doesn't want to imagine the suffering of the child's friends and family ... but he doesn't have time to do it either, has a new priority, avoid an impending fall and try to save his ship even if a little, although it was almost impossible .. the boy was using the Galvanic Mechomorpho form to ruin the plan, denying the commands of the Alienigena squid to be able to be saved .. If they were alone the WarLord would have thought that the Small one was a suicide, but it wasn't the case, being so erratic and impulsive the child managed to plot a plan, Vilgax knew it, even if the child and his grandfather had minutes of being together .. could sense that there was a plan ..

Despite being underdeveloped beings, quite ignorant of what is out of their orbit and stubborn on occasion .. this pair never ceased to surprise him .. with simple looks and without information managed to draw a plan in the march and get away with it ..

The ship couldn'be stabilized, not in time, its course was directed to the wooded and floral area outside the town .. very far away fact, and the area seemed to be too large, adding that its course was differed perhaps by accident towards the center exactly of the immense forest terrain.

Since he couldn't escape from the cruel course of the situation, at least he would take Tennyson with him, holding him by the arm and pull him inside the ship at the moment he tried to escape in the terrestrial vehicle, nothing could be done, they couldn't stop him .. everything was done .. or not

Ben still didn't give up, he managed to take a drone and managed to get out of the ship nosedive ... but he wasn't alone, Vilgax managed to hold himself too in the drone, for a thousand eons he would have imagined or even seen the possibility of being forced into such desperate action .. but he wouldn't suffer again ..

He already had enough with burns on part of his body, he wouldn't let himself hurt anymore, he wouldn't let the omnitrix carrier go, the cause of so many problems so easily ... his grip became painfully stronger, the boy couldn't help but let go a whine of pain while managing to maintain the balance in the Drone, big for him but small for the warlord, miraculously both arrived quite unharmed on the ground

With bruises and scratches, but nothing serious, in fact, in a matter of time they were fighting again

Vilgax notice that the human boy was tired, his attack were less strong everytime, how lucky, soon he would maneged to completeboth objectives at the same time

"Finally, how do you humans say ? kill two birds of a shot? I am happy to use that phrase to give you your end, you little great annoyance." The warlord commented with a big smile as he walked towards the exhausted Ben ..

How happy he would have been to be able to fulfill his goals at that very moment .. everything seemed to go so well, too good to be true, ... because it was.

At the moment of wanting to give a last big blow something fell on him, who could it be ?! they were alone !, that's how it was ... but in his own storm of hatred and destruction he completely ignored the real storm of the place ..

A fierce storm was on both creatures, the forest doesn't seem happy of they arrival, it roars and gets more and more furious every second

"We have to go! now!" Ben shouted at his rival, he would be arrogant and impulsive enough to make him look like an idiot, but he wasn't. In specific moments the child managed to show an amazing intelligence, remembering old videos from the Internet he knew how dangerous it was to be a minute more in that place, a false step and could end up dead, both of them

Ben managed to see that the Conqueror of worlds could hardly stand firm, the mud that formed plus to the unstoppable gust of wind could move even the strongest.

Vilgax decided to listen to his enemy, only for that time, he would pay attention to his comments, he himself can see the chaos that was forming and his few chances of survival. Both ran, it was impossible to say who was following whom, Ben managed to change Wildmutt in time to be able to escape with the Alien squid, Fortunately both managed to find a deep cave, enough shelter for both.

They don't know yet ... but that's where the longest adventure of their lives begins, something they will hardly forget but nobody will ever know. A secret that they will keep until the grave ... maybe.

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