Chapter Seventeen

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"Damn." A soft curse escaped my lips, causing heads around me to turn. "I am out of cigarettes."

I looked around the room at the rest hopefully, well except Brantley who seated on the far end of the large couch. Skye was curled around him, her head on his chest and she had dozed off. He was playing with her hair gently but had his eyes on the television. Brantley  had stopped smoking for a month now for Skye s sake since she hated the smell of it. Danny shook his head in response without looking up from his phone. "I'm out of them too." That had me frowning. All of us were still hole in the entertainment room of our floor waiting for Jake and Haven. I wondered what was going on between them now but since there was no shouting, it should be fine right?

"I could go and help you buy some." Niel offered, from the doorway where he was standing.

"Nah. I will go by myself. I need some fresh air too." I stood up and grabbed my jacket that was hanging over the couch since it was a little chilly tonight. "Dan, you need me to get a pack for ya?"

He nodded, mumbled a thanks but his eye glued to his phone. I shrugged and turned to leave. No doubt it was Ruth he was texting. The both of them had such a confusing relationship to me. It was like one day I could hear them having hot sex in his room and in another day Danny would be all quiet and mopey. When I asked him, he would just grunt and reply, "She's acting up again." I didn't want to get involved though. This was why I stayed single and just enjoyed the fun of one-night stands.

Being in a relationship proved to be messy. Sebastian and Rory were a great group and Rory was an awesome girl. Girls like her were rare. However, Sebastian and her did have their problems and they still do have the occasional tiffs. Then there was Jake and Haven who, god knows what they are going through. Lastly, Danny and Ruth. Danny used to be my wingman but now, half the time he was acting like some lovesick puppy. I shuddered as I walked down the street. I wondered what were happening to my friends. I ran my fingers through my hair. I had finally changed my hairstyle as requested by Ben a month back. It was no longer red, loud or a Mohawk. Now it was short, ash brown, sort of the same color as Danny's but it suited me. It made me look more mature and the ladies love it, so it was cool.

I was happy for them and hey, it was their life choices but I did miss the four of us always doing stuff in the past. It was just us. We would party, have tons of fun and make music. Even when Sebastian had Tiffany, he was still out with us drinking but that maybe because Tiffany was always busy. Now since he was married, he hated for Skye  to be home alone. Jake's going through some messed up shit and Danny just wants to be around Ruth. The band was no longer what it used to be. But I guessed it was part of growing up. I sighed, pushed aside my thoughts as I entered the convenience store.

The teenager behind the cashier barely looked up from his magazine at me. I decided it would be good to get some beer along with my cigarettes. Perhaps a tub of ice-cream for Skye  too? Should I be getting something for Haven? I glanced around the shop and decided to get some chocolate for Haven. I did not  know the girl well but I saw how tired she looked. And since she was pregnant, maybe it would be good for her to eat something sweet for to gain energy.

I grabbed all the items I wanted and headed to the counter. I placed all the items and waited for the kid to scan and bag up my purchases. However, he was too engrossed in his damn magazine. I rolled my eyes and tapped my wallet impatiently on the counter continuously.

"Hey kid." I finally said out loud. That caught his attention. He glanced up from the magazine to send me a glare but halt almost immediately as he recognized me. That was when I realized our band's picture was on the cover of the magazine he had in his hands.

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