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"Au revoir," Taehyung said to the last student walking out of his class. After he heard the door closed he sighed and looked at the big stack of tests he needs to grade. Taehyung always asks himself, 'why did I ever take this job on??', high school students are such a pain sometimes.

Taehyung was bilingual, which was a plus, which was how he got the job so fast. His first language was French though, he moved overseas after he broke up with his last boyfriend. Why did he move overseas? His ex was an actual psychopath. Taehyung figures out that he cheated on him so Taehyung broke things off for a good reason. He doesn't know why his ex is so obsessed with him now. Taehyung saw his phone buzz and it's screen lit up. He quickly looked over and saw a text from an unknown number.

Watch your back pretty boy.

Taehyung raised a brow at the text and automatically knew who it was. What did he do about it? Left him on read. Taehyung has gotten a million of these texts and sure in the beginning he was scared but after a while he got used to it and that's not really a good thing either. It's not like his ex would fly overseas just to get revenge or something on Taehyung.

"Tae!" Jimin yelled as he slammed the door open, making Taehyung jump.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted back. "You scared me."

"Sorry but this is urgent."


"I think I got a date with that cute guy I bumped into at the bar," Jimin smiled.

"That's it?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded. "You couldn't text or call me?"

"I was passing by so might as well drop by right? I got you some coffee too," Jimin said and put a big cup of hot coffee on Taehyung desk.

"Thank you, I needed this," Taehyung smiled and Jimin sat in the desk in front of Taehyungs desk.

"Why are you still working here? Don't you hate it?"

"Sure I don't get paid enough but I feel like deep within me, my students make it a little bit better," Taehyung admitted while taking a sip of the hot coffee and moaning at how good it is.

"Your students are brats."

"My brats," Taehyung corrected and Jimin snorted.

"You'd be a good dad," Jimin commented.

"If I could get a boyfriend first," Taehyung sighed and Jimin gave him a comforting smile.

"I'm sure you'll find someone that isn't a complete psychopath."

"My luck isn't very good with finding boyfriends that aren't insane."

"Taehyung. You are an attractive young man, I believe you can find someone. You are French too which is a plus? Some people find that really hot," Jimin shrugged.

"I appreciate your honesty," Taehyung chuckled.

"Anyway, I need to get going, business calls."

"Have fun."

"I doubt it." Jimin smiled as he walked out of Taehyungs classroom.

Jimin was Taehyungs closest friend and he worked at a bar as a bartender, it wasn't the best but he had to do something. Jimin is older than Taehyung by a few months, being twenty three. How did Taehyung manage to get a teaching job at twenty three? This high school was desperate. Taehyung was a pretty good teacher though, he had a good bond with his students and treated them as if they were his own kids, in a non weird way.

His students could be brats sometimes but they all loved Taehyung in a non weird way. Most of the girls had a crush on him but what they didn't know was that he was gay and he wouldn't date one of his students, so it sucks to be them. He hasn't dated anyone for the past few months and he really wants to find someone, but hasn't been able too.

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