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Taehyung let the two inside and Antoine's Mom went to the kitchen to greet Tae's Mom. Taehyung was going to walk away from Antoine but he grabbed on to his wrist before he could.

"What do you want." Taehyung muttered.

"I want you back, I know I fucked up. Can't we just fix things? Put it in the past?" He asked and made Taehyung face him.

"I'm not interested."

"Tae, we've been together since the start of high school, we can fix this."

"I broke things off for a reason, once a cheater always a cheater, can't you take a hint?" Taehyung snapped.

"It was a mistake okay? We all make them, I still love you."

"The feelings aren't mutual."

"Is that a hickey?" He asked and brushed his thumb across the hickey that wasn't covered enough. Taehyung slapped his hand away and got him to release his wrist.

"No, a mosquito bit me," he answered sarcastically.

"Who gave this to you?" He asked a little angry.

"I thought you'd know that I have a boyfriend, since you stalk me all the god damn time." Taehyung scoffed.

"I've changed now Taehyung, don't you still have feelings for me?"

"No? How can I after you cheated on me? Do you expect me to just forgive you? Especially after all the shit you pulled? Those text messages? Everything!" Taehyung seethed.

"Baby I promise I'll treat you better this time, I fucked up and I understand that now. Im so sorry for cheating on you, I was being so fucking stupid and didn't realize that I'd lose something dear to me." Antoine pleaded.

"You cant undo mistakes, they stick with you forever. Maybe I would've forgave you if you didn't fucking stalk me and harass me! You're a psychopath! I couldn't walk alone anywhere without being scared shitless!" Taehyung yelled.

Antoine sighed and dragged Taehyung outside so that his family wouldn't hear them yelling at each other.

"I'm really sorry okay? I really just wanted to fix things, I swear I didn't come here because you were coming here, I wanted to visit my mom for Christmas. Im moving back, and I wanted you to come with me."

"Sorry won't fix it. I'm staying in Korea, that's where my home is, there is no way in hell that I'd ever come back here with you." Taehyung scoffed.

"What happened to me being your rock? Your babe? Your Antoine?" He asked.

"All you'll ever be to me is some stranger."


"Don't call me that. It's Taehyung for you."

"Taehyung just give me a second chance, I promise I won't fuck up again." 

"You don't deserve a second chance, I already have a boyfriend that I love and I know for a fact that he would never cheat on me."

Antoine reached for something in his pocket and took Taehyungs hand. He put the item in his hand. It was a promise ring that Antoine got Taehyung years ago when they first started dating, at that time Taehyung only had Antoine.

"Remember this? I found it after you threw it out. I really do just want a second chance baby. We can start off as friends first if it makes you comfortable." Antoine reasoned, Taehyung stared at the ring and sighed.

"I threw it out for a reason." He threw the ring at Antoine and walked back inside, leaving Antoine outside. Taehyung slammed the door behind him and tried calming himself down, he didn't want to ruin Christmas Eve for his family or anyone but Antoine was making it really hard for him.

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