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"He'll be okay right?" Taehyung asked very worried.

"He'll live don't worry, some broken bones and some bruising but he's just fine. He can go home in a day or two." The doctor smiled.

"Ah. Okay thank you so much," Taehyung bow down and looked over at Jimin sleeping in the hospital bed.

His shoulder was dislocated, two broken ribs, a busted lip and black eye but he was fine. Taehyung surprisingly didn't break his nose, he maybe had like two small bruises on his legs from being pushed but not bad. It was really late at night and the cops had came in to talk to Taehyung about the situation.

Taehyung told them everything and explained to them how Antoine had been following him for a while, basically just stalking and harassment. The cops left and would come back later to question Jimin. Antoine was put behind bars for now, jail time not decided yet. Taehyung sat down on a couch they had in the hospital room next to Jimins bed. Taehyung has yet to call Jungkook and inform him, he called Jimins family hours before but they lived farther away so they were taking a bit to come.

Taehyung took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Jungkooks number. The phone rang for a bit before Jungkook picked up.

"You went home?" Jungkook spoke first and Taehyung felt tears well up in his eyes, hearing Jungkooks voice after what happened made him feel so much better. Despite seeing Jungkook that morning, he has never missed him so much before.

"Hey, Jimins im the hospital. Can you come?" Taehyung said quietly into the phone.

"Yeah which one? What happened?" Jungkook asked, sounding more alert.

"I'll tell you when you get here," Taehyung threw his head back trying to keep the tears in as he told Jungkook the hospital he was at with Jimin.

It only took Jungkook a couple of minutes to arrive at the hospital. He opened the door slowly and looked in, making sure it was the right room. Once he saw Taehyung sitting on the couch staring at Jimin with sorry eyes he walked in quietly, closing the door behind him. Taehyung looked over at him and just let the tears fall as he stood from the couch.

Jungkook hurried over, still in suit from barely coming back from work. He wrapped his arms around Taehyung who quietly sobbed in his arms. Jungkook kisses his head and rubbed circles and different many other shapes on his back. After a minute Jungkook pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears off of Taehyungs cheeks, hands caressing his face.

"What happened?" Jungkook questioned softly and Taehyung sniffled.

"Antoine came and Jimin tried to get him to go b-but..." Taehyung stuttered, trying to regain hisself, he cleared his throat. "He couldn't stop him and, I called the cops..".

"Did they arrest him?" Jungkook asked, really angry at a certain someone.

"Yeah.. he's behind bars right now.. things aren't decided right now." Taehyung murmured.

Jungkook sighed and looked over at Jimin before looking back at Taehyung and kissing his lips.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, moving his hands down to Taehyungs waist.

Taehyung nodded, "It was overwhelming and I just missed you," Taehyung answered.

That's when Jimins family walk in, seeing their son. His mother had sad eyes and Taehyung pulled away from Jungkooks hold.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Park, it's all my fault," Taehyung bows as he feels more tears start to form.

"It's not your fault Taehyung, please don't blame yourself. Jimin is just an idiot," she gave a smile trying to lighten things up. Taehyung smiled weakly and Jimins mother hugged him. "You can go home and rest now, thank you so much for being there for him," she said.

Taehyung nodded, taking Jungkooks hand and walking out. Then Taehyung froze in place. He had a terrified look on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked worried.

"I left my door open! Yeontan!" Taehyung panicked as he sped walked out of the hospital, Jungkook following him. They both got into Jungkooks car and Jungkook hurried to Taehyungs house. The door was close but that was probably from the police after they left.

Taehyung got out of the car and ran to his front door opening it and looked around. "Tannie?" Taehyung called out but heard nothing. His heart sank as he heard silence and was in the process of flipping his house upside down.

"Yah!" He heard Jungkook yell and heard a familiar bark outside.

Taehyung hurried outside and saw Yeontan attacking Jungkooks ankles. Taehyung felt great relief but also couldn't help but laugh.

"He came out of a bush and started attacking me!" Jungkook furrowed his brows and Taehyung picked Yeontan up, giving him many smooches.

"You almost gave daddy a heart attack Tannie!" Taehyung baby talked and Yeontan licked his nose.

"I swear this dog gets more love than me." Jungkook scoffed as he opened the car door for himself. "Lets get going now, there is no way you're staying here, regardless if he was caught."

Taehyung obliged and got in the car, setting Yeontan in his lap. Jungkook drove to his place, holding Taehyungs hand with his other hand on the wheel. The car ride was quiet but comforting in a way.

When they arrived Taehyung let Yeontan roam around the penthouse as he went to Jungkooks room, throwing himself on his bed.

"You should shower?" Jungkook suggested.

"Are you saying that I stink?"

"No it's just that—"

"I'm just kidding, I know I stink. I'll shower," he smiled and left to the bathroom in Jungkooks room, taking a quick shower and drying himself before putting on some of Jungkooks clothes. Taehyung saw Jungkook sitting on his bed, on his phone texting probably someone for business matters.

Taehyung took his chance and went onto his lap, straddling Jungkook and grabbing his phone, throwing it to the other side of the large bed. He wrapped his arms around Jungkooks neck as Jungkooks hands automatically went onto his waist. Taehyung looked into Jungkooks eyes and smiled.

"I love you so much." Taehyung whispered as he kissed Jungkooks lips. Jungkook kissed him back, smiling into the kiss.

He pulled away for a quick second to respond to Taehyung.

"I love you too."

(A/N: We are coming to an end 😔, a few more chapters!! Thank ya'll for reading this trash, I really do appreciate it 💕

Your comments kill me too 🗿 )

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