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"You don't get the luxury of my lips on your nose," Taehyung continued.

"What if I pay you?"

"We can make a deal then.."

"Twenty dollars for a kiss on my lips," Jungkook said and Taehyung squinted at him with an offended look on his face.

"Do you think I'm that cheap? My kisses are worth more than that."

"You name a price then."

"A hundred dollars for a kiss," Taehyung bargained.

"That's a lot Tae. Can I call you that?"

"It'll be another hundred just to call me Tae," Taehyung added and Jungkook chuckled.

"So two hundred?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded. Jungkook got up and went to his dresser that had his wallet resting on it. He opened it and pulled out two hundred and walked back in front of Taehyung.

"Hey, I was just kidding you know that right?" Taehyung said.

"I'm not."

Taehyung took the two hundred but just walked back over to Jungkooks wallet and opened it to put it back. He almost choked when he saw how many bills were in there.

"Why do you keep so many bills with you? Isn't it easier on a credit card?"

"Some places can't take credit cards," Jungkook shrugged and Taehyung scoffed.

"You don't need this much to carry around you, what if someone steals it?"

"I got more where it came from, it's fine."

"So you wouldn't care if I took this wallet?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook shook his head.

"If it's you, go ahead."

"I'm going to bed." Taehyung murmured and put the wallet down.

"No kiss?"

"No kiss, not even for money." Taehyung ended and left Jungkooks room before he can answer. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, Jungkook makes him feel absolutely weak. Taehyung needed something to drink.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed a wine bottle he found and a wine glass. He opened the wine bottle and walked back into his room for the night. Yeontan was still sleeping, he poured himself a glass and sat on one of the bedroom chairs by a side table.

He pulled out his phone and looked back at the message. Taehyung drank some of his wine and  scrolled through his blocked numbers list and it was a long list. This whole Ex boyfriend fiasco was stressing Taehyung out so very much. He doesn't want to know what his ex would do to him if he ever kidnapped him.

Taehyung attempted calling the most recent number used to message him, he thought maybe he can try ending things. The line was ringing and Taehyungs heart was racing. Then someone picked up.

"Baby?" An all too familiar voice said.

"Antoine, please stop," Taehyung pleaded.

"What do you mean stop? How can I stop?"

"Just please leave me alone, we're done."

"What do you mean done.?"

"Antoine we've been through this, I ended things because you cheated on me. Why do you have to do this to me? I never did anything wrong," Taehyung almost cried.

"Je t'aime encore."

"Je te hais," Taehyung spat.

"Baby.." Antoine said softly.

Help Me - Vkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now