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They arrived back and they barely got to Taehyungs house.

"Okay well, I'm pretty sure Jimin or someone is going to want to throw a New Years party so I'll text you later," Taehyung yawned.

"Will you be okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, I'm a big boy I can defend myself." Taehyung replied.

"I love you," Jungkook smiled and Taehyung pecked his lips.

"I love you too," he smiled too and exited the car, grabbing his things out of the trunk and then heading to his front door. He looked back and waved at Jungkook who waved back and drove off to his own place.

Taehyung opened his door and walked in, he set his bags down by the door to unpack later and took off his shoes and coat. He walked into the living room and threw himself on the couch, exhausted.

"Welcome back!" Jimin yelled with Yeontan in his arms.

Taehyung almost shit himself, "Jimin you scared the shit out of me," he whined.

"I'm not sorry, Hoseok is here too," he added and on cue Hoseok came out from the kitchen eating a bag of chips.

"Why are you guys here??" Taehyung asked.

"We wanted to see you, plus Yeontan missed you," Jimin explained and gave Yeontan to Taehyung.

Yeontan was going crazy and licking Taehyungs face, tail wagging. Taehyung smiled and kissed Yeontans head.

"So tell us everything," Hoseok said and Taehyung groaned.

"Everything. I want specific details," Jimin added.

"Whoa wait are those Gucci bags???" Hoseok asked looking over at the front door. He hurried over and counted at least twenty-five bags. "Twenty-five bags!! What the ??"

Jimin hurried over to look at the things, "holy shit Taehyung, are the from Japple??" He looked into the big bag and almost fainted.

"Jmac pro, jacbook Pro, Jpad Pro, Jphone Xs,  JirPods, Japple TV, JomePod... didnt you just get an JPhone X?? This is all like thousands of dollars??" Hoseok almost cried.

"The perks of dating the CEO of Japple, do you want my JPhone X? Im going to use that new one," he said.

"That's not fair, how come Hoseok gets to have it??" Jimin complained.

"When the JPhone XR comes out for sale then you could have my JPhone Xs."

"You are my new favorite friend Tae," Jimin also almost cried.

"Does this Jungkook have a brother who is also a CEO??" Hoseok asked and Taehyung shrugged.

"I never asked but probably."
(Ignore ALL plot holes pls n ty, I know what I did wrong 🤡)

"Anyway, spill the beans," Jimin said as he sat next to Taehyung. Hoseok hurried over and sat on Taehyung other side.

"Well, we went on a date first, and when I woke up he said we were going somewhere and I questioned it but he never answered me. So we went to his private jet and from there I didn't question it anymore."

"A private jet." Jimin pointed out and Taehyung nodded.

"It was really pretty inside, but anyway. We got there and the hotel was amazing, I think we got the presidential suite? We only stayed for a little before I brought him to this one restaurant I know, after that we walked around and went back. But the next day.." Taehyung blushed and both Jimin and hoseok gasped.

"Barely a day later!! Taehyung!!" Hoseok scolded and Taehyung hit his arm.

"Shut up! He's hot?!! What am I supposed to do?? Say no??" Taehyung defended himself.

"Hoseok leave him alone I wanna hear this." Jimin said.

"You didn't want to a few days ago-" Taehyung started.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now continue." Jimin interrupted.

"Do I really have too?" Taehyung asked and they both nodded. "Fine, we decided that it'd be a lazy day, so we showered. Not together, I order us breakfast and the hotel had some nice robes so I made use of them. We were on the bed watching movies and my robe kept slipping off my shoulder, I didn't think it was a big deal but Jungkook started kissing my exposed skin. I tried ignoring him but that bitch started leaving hickeys." Taehyung continued. "So I told him I needed to use the bathroom but he didn't buy it and -"

"Did you actuall-" Hoseok asked but Jimin cut him off, "No Hoseok. He didn't actually."

Taehyung furrowed his brows but continue anyway, "well, after that we made out and he started getting more touchy and I told him I was a Virgin-"

"YOU WERE A VIRGIN?!" Jimin yelled.

"Me and Antoine never did anything shut up, did you expect me to not be one?" He blushed.

"I don't know about what you and Antoine could've done, don't come at me," Jimin defended.

Taehyung sighed, "anyway, he asked if I wanted to stop but my horny self said no and he fucked me, with care." Taehyung summed up.

"Was he a schlong man?" Hoseok asked and Taehyung put his head in his hands embarrassed.

"Why am I even telling you guys this? I really don't have to." Taehyung muttered.

"We want answers Tae," Jimin pushed.

"Yes. He was a schlong man." He answered and Jimin smirked.

"And you guys did it again right?" Hoseok added.

"I'll talk about that another day can we just, do something else?" Taehyung pleaded.

"We can set up all of your new devices and you could show us what's inside all of those Gucci bags." Jimin suggested.

"Speaking of Gucci bags, I got something for you two!" Taehyung smiled and walked over to the many bags, picking out two.

"Tae, I didn't come here to cry," Jimin frowned.

"These were the only things I didn't get with Jungkooks money. I wanted it to be more special so I bought them myself and my bank account is crying so you guys better appreciate it." Taehyung said as he gave them both a bag.

They opened it carefully and in the end, Jimin and Hoseok hugged Taehyung to death and decided to take him out to eat as a thank you.

"Jin just texted me, he said to tell you guys that there is a party later for New Years, want to go? It's at Jungkooks place," Jimin said as he stuffed his mouth.

"I'll go if Tae goes," Hoseok said and Taehyung shrugged.

"Why not?" He smiled. 

(A/N: I didn't know how else to end this chapter LMAO SORRY)

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