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They had just finished grading papers and they would've finished earlier if Jungkook stopped getting so touchy. Taehyung put the graded papers in some filing cabinet to give back to the students. He grabbed his things while Jungkook waited by the door. Once Taehyung got his things he hurried out the door with Jungkook and locked the classroom door.

"Want to come over?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded. "Yeontan is already there so no need to worry about that."

"How did you get into my house?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin dropped Yeontan off at my place for me." Jungkook explained as he unlocked the car doors.

"Where did my car go?"

"I got someone to take it back to your house," Jungkook said as he got in his seat.

"You're too extra sometimes," Taehyung smiled and got into his seat as well, closing the door after.

"It's all for you baby," Jungkook responded as he started the car.

Taehyung buckled himself in and Jungkook has this stupid smile on his face as he watched Taehyung do that.

"What?" Taehyung asked. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No you're just really cute and I can't believe you're my boyfriend, MY boyfriend," he replied honestly.

Taehyung blushed a little and looked away. "Well, believe it," he murmured and Jungkook brought a hand to Taehyungs chin and made him face him. Jungkook leaned in and gave him a love filled kiss on the lips.

"I love you so much," Jungkook smiled and Taehyung smiled back.

"I love you too." Taehyung returned and Jungkook began the drive to his place.

"Why didn't they just give you guys the day off today? It's literally Friday, they couldn't wait til Monday?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know Kook, I wish I could be the one to decide that," Taehyung whined and rested his head against the seat.

"You should've ditched," Jungkook said and Taehyung scoffed.

"Sorry, unlike you I could actually lose my job." Taehyung muttered and Jungkook snorted.

"You can be wrong about that."

"You literally own it," Taehyung shot back.

"You're right."

"I know I'm right," Taehyung said as he shut his eyes.

It was silent after and Taehyung honestly didn't mind either, he was falling asleep because dealing with high school students all day isn't the easiest thing ever. Especially since he was so used to waking up later from winter break. Taehyung ended up passing out before they even arrived at Jungkooks place and Jungkook didn't want to wake him so being the good and strong boyfriend he is, he picked Taehyung up and took him to his bedroom.

He undressed Taehyung and put him in more comfortable clothes, strangely, Taehyung didn't even wake up. Jungkook wasn't planning on sleeping so soon so he left to the living room to do some late night work with Yeontan.

By late night work I mean working out . He was push ups while Yeontan tried to steady himself on Jungkooks back. Yeontan weighs nothing and doesn't make it any harder for Jungkook to do more push ups but Yeontan wanted to sit there. After doing all of that he showers and gets dressed as Yeontan tries jumping on the bed but can't so Jungkook helps him as he gets into bed as well.

Jungkook wraps his arms around Taehyung, who is still sleeping, and kisses his head. Yeontan makes himself comfortable by their feet and falls asleep instantly.

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