Her Merciful Suicide

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In the dark, I saw her work...


The Goddess of miseries.

Watched as she drove them over edge, Berserk...

As she drew insanity from their lips.

The sting of the physical and verbal whip

The scrape of the blade, the snap of rope.

They shan't look 'round with eyes of hope

The women in black, men in suits.

as they hold sacred tribute

glassened eyes, chapped lips...

I watch as they take a dip

As she etches her artwork on the wrists and on the hips

I watch as she takes last shutter breath

No more shall she face their wrath...

I guide her along the streaming Styx

The river of the dead and the missed

I led her to the Lethe

The swirling stream of Memories

She whispers silently,

Her thanks as she smiles oh so sadly

I watch as the river washes away all her haunted memories,

As she forgets

I must watch

For I am her merciful suicide

Here. Finished. Completed. There.

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