motivation or distraction?

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I entered the room and hobi wouldn't let me go.

"you have to let me go now"i said laughing.

"i missed your laugh"he said and i hummed.

"i missed your everything"i said as i pulled away from him.

"really?"he asked i tied my hair in a ponytail.

"yeah....why is that hard to believe?"i asked before pulling on one of his shirts.

"we haven't been on the best of terms lately"he said with a frown.

"well now you know"i said smiling as I got into the bed he pulls off his pants and shirt.

"i won't be here when you wake up"he said getting into the bed as well.

"i know you'll be at work"i said sadly and I licked my lips.

"you should get some sleep"i said nodding.

"yeah"he said before he leaned forward kissing me i kissed him back before pulling away staring at him

"I'm not ready"i said, shaking my head.

"good night"he said i nodded

"night"i said closing my eyes

"Come with me"hobi said pulling me to the living room

"Come with me"hobi said pulling me to the living room

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"Why?"I asked him

"Just trust me for once"he said looking at me

"Okay"i said as we entered the living room to see one of his

"What's this?"I asked looking at hobi

"This has to end here"the woman said

"What has to end?"I asked

"You and hoseok"namjoon said i glanced at him me and hobi had nothing going on

"What do you mean?"I asked confused

"she means no one can know about the baby"yoongi said i looked at him

"And you two can't be together"she said nodding

"Why not?"I asked

"It'll distract him from his work"she said

"So you're saying I have to keep our baby a secret"I said folding my arms

"It's what's best for you both"she said i rolled my eyes that was a lie

"No she's right"hobi said

"What?"I asked him i couldn't believe it

"We can't let this get out at least not now"he said shaking his head trying to get me to understand

"And why not?"I asked i was very upset

"Because the fans"he said licking his lips

"You know what screw you hobi"i said before storming down the hall and packing my stuff

"Bae wait"he said i shook my head

"Go to hell"i said rolling my eyes

"Don't go"he said grabbing my hands

"Why not?"I asked him

"Because I need you"he said i shook my head

"N-no you have everything you need you don't need me"i said shaking my head

"I've always needed you"he said grabbing my hands

"what am I staying for? there's nothing for me to stay for you heard her we can't be together and your son has to stay a secret"i said shaking my head pulling away from him

"to the world not to me"he said holding my hands again

"which means we can't leave right?"I said

"you have everything you need here this is just for now just give me a chance to show them that you're not a distraction but a motivation"he said i sighed

"fine"i said his face broke out into a grin

"you'll stay?"he asked i nodded

"yeah I'll stay"i said he tossed my suitcase to the side before picking me up hugging me i giggled

"put me down"

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