Chapter 4: Meeting with God?

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'I died...'

I no longer felt my body... I was simply floating in the endless void...

'So this is it, huh?

I was kind of intrigued by that last message that appeared before me before dying but I guess it doesn't matter anymore since I am dead...


HOWEVER! contrary to all expectations, I suddenly started feeling a slight pull.


I thought as the slight pull began becoming stronger by the second. In the end it no longer felt like a slight pull, it felt like me being forced towards something.

'What's this?'

As my thoughts kept racing as to what might follow, a bright light appeared, blinding my non-existent eyes.

"What happened...?"


"Huh!? I have a voice again!"

I was extremely happy just for regaining my voice, but for some reason, everything remained dark...

"Didn't I just see a bright light?"

I was actually very confused as to why I couldn't see when a familiar voice pointed out my stupidity:

"Open your eyes"

I was pretty embarrassed. I hadn't taken into account I had to open my eyelids to see. 'I guess the void really did a number on me, Hehe'

When I opened my eyes I was back in the pristine white room where I met that dumb angel. But there was a minor difference... Instead of an angel, there stood the old man I helped on my very last day on Earth. He seemed happy and relieved, but one thing I instantly noticed, his pendant was glowing. (AN: Check prologue for reference). But first things, first:

"WAIT?!? OLD MAN?!?!"

He seemed quite annoyed by me calling him old man... Guess I won't do it anymore, but first of all...


He was very calm... too calm... I just died you know? Probably sensing this, he spoke:

"Yep, you just died. But seriously don't call someone an old man when you don't know their age you know?"

I was simply staring in awe at his carefree expression when confirming my death. 'But, now that I think about it, how come he is here? Wasn't this the room that we were sent to when we were being summoned by that dumb angel? Did the old man die too?'

Without leaving me a chance to even open my mouth, the old man started to explain:

"First of all, seriously stop calling me old man, it's rude. Second of all, yes this is where you were originally summoned along with your classmates. Third of all, I'm actually god and that's why I can read your thoughts.

I was simply left to smile wryly. That third statement was in response to a thought I was having when he began answering my questions. 'I hadn't even opened my mouth to speak.'

"So you're god?"


I wasn't sure what to do. 'I guess I'll start by asking why he was in my world originally'

"Oh, that! I was simply taking a stroll around your world, like tourism!"

I was a bit annoyed by his carefree attitude, but I guess it's impossible not to want to get out of the routine of an all-powerful being once in a while. Now onto the main topic:

"Why am I here? Didn't I just die?"

"Hmm, good questions. First of all, yes, you just died, but using some of my godly powers I rescued your soul from the void and have brought you here."

"Ok...? Why did you do it?"

"You see, during my time in Earth I became very interested in you after seeing how kind, selfless and willing you were towards me. I felt I had to do something regarding the unfair treatment you had received. However, before I could do anything for you, the stupid angel summoned all of you to Estrea and even gave your share of powers to that bully who hates you so much. I felt quite annoyed at how your bad luck would defy me and so, I intend to reincarnate you back into Estrea with some well-deserved justice as well as a new body which matches your outer beauty with your inner beauty."

I wasn't sure how to describe my mood up to now, depressed maybe? But the instant he mentioned a new reincarnation with justice I was euphoric.

"Really? I'll get some powers and a class which allows me to live a happy life?!" I was just like a little kid who was just told they will be getting a new toy.

But reality betrays expectations...

"What? No, I can't"



"What Why?! Then what is this justice you are talking about?"

"You see I can't give you any new powers or stats because your soul has already been linked to Estrea and all. Powers or classes need to be added to a soul before it's linked to the Estrea."

"Wait, aren't you God? Can't you break those rules?"

"God is powerful but I can't break the natural law"

I was feeling depressed again, ready to lay down and cry for due to my misfortune. 'But I guess I can't really complain I am getting another chance at life. For now, I guess I'll ask regarding this justice he mentioned earlier.'

"Oh yes regarding that..."

I forgot he could read my mind... It's getting a bit annoying.

"So, I'll be giving you 3 very useful skills which do not make you weak in the least. These skills consist of: [Master Hide Presence], [Master Information Falsification], [Master Appraisal]."

These skills seemed kind of strong but I was puzzled about how these skills could be useful. But God probably saw my expression and explained in further detail:

"Ok, as you can see these aren't normal skills. In fact, due to the skills being provided directly by me, they have received the 'master' ranking of a class, which can only be obtained through blessings. This means that contrary to these skills' regular counterparts, they cannot be blocked, deflected or nullified."

I was simply staring in amazement. 'This isn't so bad I guess.'

"I know right?!? Anyways time is running short, I need to send you back to Estrea or else I won't be able to at all."

As he finished that sentence, he raised his hand and a warm light started to envelop me. It felt nice...

But before my field of vision or senses were completely numbed by the light I heard a final sentence from God which sent chills down my spine.

"Have a safe trip, Miss!"

As my consciousness began to fade, I could only think...

'Oh no...'


Sorry for this short chapter... But don't worry I'll likely release 2 today, Yay!

On another note:

I have decided to make the mood of the story a little lighter on my own :3

However, I would still like to know:

1) Do you like the story with a serious tone or a more lighthearted one?

2) Do you want more fights? 

Please respond so I can know your opinions and adapt the story as such :3)

Reincarnated as an affinity-less hero, the quest to become the strongest!Where stories live. Discover now