Chapter 15: A certain (Former) Demon Princess

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I yelled in surprise due to the sudden notification that filled my sights.

"But why?! I did nothing to earn this!"

I quickly sent a glance to a petrified Scarlet... She seemed to be anxious about something. But I immediately noticed something... her purple pendant was no longer there... I took one step towards her before:


As I tried to walk to her, a sudden burning sensation began to come over my neck... It was hurting me badly and I didn't even know what it was...

"Agh... It hurts..."

The pain was now pulsating throughout my body... strong enough to make me fall on my knees.

"What's ha-happening..."

I felt my entire body being crushed, stretched and destroyed... It felt horrible, I wanted to pass out yet I couldn't...

"Aghhhh, I can't hold on any-...more..."

But, in the same way, the pain had come over me suddenly, it left without me having a hint of pain...

"What... just happened?"

I turned to Scarlet once more, to see if how she was doing with all of this... but the second I was able to make her out she was running towards me with terrifying speeds, crashing against me again.


She said happily as she snuggled her cheeks against mine. I was completely speechless. 'What just happened? Is she happy because I saved her?'

"Ummm, you're weshcome. But I bet you coush have defeated the Ceshbeshus by your own in your optimal condishion though." (AN: The 'Sh's are because of the snuggles)

I said confidently, as I tried to push her out of my personal space... But for some reason, she suddenly looked puzzled when I said that.

"What! No! I'm not thanking you because of that... Well, it's not like I'm not grateful for it, though."

'What?' Now I'm confused if she is not thanking me because of me fighting that Cerberus, then what is it for? But all of my doubts were cleared when she nonchalantly pointed at my neck and said with a huge smile on her face:

"Thank you for releasing me of my Demon Lord seal!"

I was surprised by her pointing so I immediately brought my hands to my neck, and contrary to my expectations, there wasn't any pendant hanging from my neck...




It was a choker...

"What?! Why do I have a choker on me?!"

I exclaimed at a too-easy going Scarlet, who was just staring at me as if I was making a big deal.

"I don't know! The demon lord seal takes a different shape depending on the host. In this case, it might've sensed that you don't have much will to become the next demon lord, yet hold enough power to undo it in any other form. So it probably became a choker for you to be its hostess without you destroying it!"

I was just looking at Scarlet with my mouth agape. 'How can she be so calm through this...'

She saw my irritated face and continued...

"Oh don't look at me like that! It's not like you're the only one that had to go through the transference pain! Well, it probably was a lot worse for you though..."

Reincarnated as an affinity-less hero, the quest to become the strongest!Where stories live. Discover now