Chapter 10: Bessie Burgundy

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"Murdered?" Kamden gasps, drawing her arms into her chest. She wraps her slender fingers around her shoulders as if that will protect her from a knife in the chest. It won't.

I can't any stand the thought of Kamden being murdered. I don't know what I would do without her. She's one of my best friends. The thought is scary, but I can't let any emotions show on my face. The only real emotion I've ever advertised to anybody is my love for Spot Conlon. And even then, I was good at keeping that a secret for a while from Jack.

I nod solemnly. "Yeah."

"Wait, tell me everythin'," Kamden commands. I nod and begin.

"Well, I was walkin' back from the 'Hattan Lodgin' House las night and I heard someone scream. It was a goil's scream, too," I say, taking a deep breath. "So, I went toward the sound 'cuz, ya know, if it was a scab er somethin', I could soak 'im. I walked down the alley way and found Ethel Brown wit stab wounds in her stomach 'n chest."

"Are ya kiddin'?" Kamden finally asks. I give a look, which causes her to defend herself. "I was jus wonderin'!"

"Well, stop wonderin'!" I scold. Kamden puts her hands up in defense. "You know how I get when people don't belee (believe with an accent) me!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," she says. She seems to be in deep thought and finally, voices it. "Didja tell Spot?"

I look at her sheepishly. "No...."

"Why the hell not?" Kamden asks. She takes a deep breath and seems to be trying to control herself. She lets it out and composes herself appropriately, and then turns to me. "Excuse me French. But why wouldn'tcha tell Spot?"

"'Cuz if I told 'im, I wouldn't be able to see you, or Race, or Davey, or...or Jack," I tell her. "Lord knows I would never get outta Brooklyn again."

"Spots that protective?" Kamden asks, intense green eyes widening. I nod and roll my blue ones.

"More," I say simply. Kamden nods her and looks like she's thinking again. So, I ask her for her help.

I mean, she seems to be smart. Not book smart, but street smart. Davey and I are book smart, but I'm very street smart too. I don't know how I've stayed book smart. I used to go to school and I loved it, but then, my father killed my mother and Jack took us away. He didn't want us to die and I can't blame him. I was upset at first because all my life, I've wanted to be a doctor.

At school, I would always go to the library and read medical books, even at the tender age of six. I always addressed Jack's and my wounds as kids. I think that's how I got to be so good at it, like when I doctored Race up at the Newsie Rally during the strike.

"What do I do?" I ask Kamden, my big blue eyes searching her face for something. Something that will let me know I'm not alone in this. And I find it.

"I wouldn't tell Spot for now 'cuz if he's as protective as ya say, you'll never be allowed ta come ta 'Hattan again," Kamden voices her opinion after a few moments. "Use the buddy system. Never come ta 'Hattan witout somebody ta protect ya and never leave witout them either.

"I know you's strong 'n all that, but if ya get cornered by someone wit a knife 'n all you've got is your fists, that don't seem like a fair fight."

"It ain't," I agree, standing up and going to the door. I poke my head out the door, licking my extremely dry lips, and call for Squints. "Heya, Squints, couldja get me some water?"

"Right on it, Miss Kelly," Squints obliges, scurrying away. Kamden chuckles behind me.

"You seem ta highly respected 'round here," she comments. I nod and Squints comes back with a small plastic cup filled to the brim with water. I thank him, to which he tips his Newsie hat and leaves.

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