Chapter 22: 30 May, 1900

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                                 30 May, 1900

Dear Spot,

Please tell Race Happy Birthday for me! I can't believe he's really turning 18 today. I'm so excited. Also, please see to it that he gets this gift I's sendin' back wit this letter. I thought he'd like a new deck a poker cards.

I have a job at a small coffee shop. I get paid $1.00 an hour, which is pretty good, huh? I just want ta know how you's doin'! Thanks for respondin' ta me last letter. I's glad that you's doin' well! I miss ya.

Anyway, school's goin' well. I's already learned so much about bein' a doctor and the respiratory system and central nervous system. Tomorrow, we's dissectin' a heart. It's gonna be pretty cool!

I still can't wait ta get back and see ya 'n all the boys. I miss 'em all so much. Let 'em know that for me. I love ya so much, Spot.

All my love,


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