Marie Calenders/The Cow Cafe

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Okie so these were to cute events that happened and I forgot to include on the background. These next few chapters will be hella short as they were just tiny events, and not really story-time long ass chapter events.  Sorry guys. So here's the background on these two traditions!!

Marie Calendars was kinda like our trade off place. We would eat there and then leave our parents to go with nana up to the ranch, then vice versa on the last day. There's really not much else to say about it, so you'll get to hear some of the crazy shit that sometimes happened each year there.

The Cow Cafe was a little cafe up there at Nana's where we would go on one of our last day's there to go eat breakfast. It was the best because we got pancakes and got chocolate and stuff. It was beautiful. Not much happened there, but it's nice to include it because sometimes nana includes some shit about what it was like there that particular year.


First year was the first time we went there. We went with my mom that year, and....I fucking lied I just checked the book we went to Taco Bell that year my bad guys.

Wait nvm we went there on the way back.  Okie dokie.  Nice to know.  I'm learning with you guys about all of this, my memory sucks balls.

Ok The cow cafe was....yea this year it wasn't introduced, we were probably to young or something.


Second yeaaarrrr.  Ok we went to Marie Calendars ok the way up there and back down, so that was cool.  This year my mom brought us sooooo yeah!  Love her sm.

The Cow Cafe was introduced to us this year!....or so I thought.  LOL SIKE GUYS IT WS NEXT YEAR we probably weren't worthy of it yet.  Sorry.  I feel like an ass writing these chapters because they are so short so I'm attempting to make it better with my shitty commentary but alas, it makes it worse.


K this year there was no mention of Marie Calendars but we went, and I'm pretty sure a ghost brought our asses up there because there was no mention of an adult as well.  Cool.  Love ya Mr. Ghosty, thanks for being our guardian this year.  Lol.

The Cow Cafe.  Please tell me it was this year....IT WAS.  The only pic about it is bashing me for not sitting like a lady 🤣.  We were fucking 7 get over yourself jewlz lol 😆.  But thanks for the info, I never used it.  Not once.  Still, thank you.


Yay, we're progressing. This year someone actually took us up there, and that person was Carrie, Jewlz's step-mom.  Mr. Ghosty must have taken us back because once again, no adult is mentioned at the end of this book so...thanks again dude.

Cow Cafe was...not mentioned we didn't go this year -.-.


Mr. Ghosty took us up again! God, where are our parents.... I think this year I also lost a tooth, at Marie's so that was...interesting. Idk if I can call it cool because when I was younger I hated when my teeth fell out for some reason.

Wait ok so nvm Mr. Ghosty didn't take us this year it was my bio father, Scott.

Cow Cafe. Not mentioned. Didn't go.


This year there was no Marie Calendars because Scott and Todd, our fathers took us all the way there and all the way back so. Ye. Sorry Marie.

Cow Cafe was again not mentioned, but I'm pretty sure now thinking back on it we did probably go every year, she just didn't put it in the books so. Ye.


K you're probs bored so let's get this over and done with shall we? Mr ghosty took us. God bless this ghost.

Will the cafe ever be mentioned again 😫. Welp, maybe next year *shrug*


Lol finally k guys I'm just gonna put this first because F I N A L L Y the Cow Cafe is back!!!! We went after golfing and lemme tell u, that place is fucking awesome. That's all that needed to be said.

Marie Calendars was a no show due to Jewlz not being there and Scott taking me all alone. Last year I was fine with it. This year...we'll see....

Lol hope you guys enjoyed, and play the songs while reading, they're really nice to listen to :3. K bye my flowers.

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