You thought it was over? Meet the christmas of hell.

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Hello lovelies, an update?  Wow.  Much wow.  It's been a hell of a long time, more trauma, more funny~

Well, since more things happened and I have free time, I'm going to try to tell the 3-day story of Christmas hell, and I believe this will be the last update to this story unless I go back up to that hell again.  Tbh, it's gotten so much worse and there's so much I would love to say but I don't feel as though I should, I'll leave the trauma to myself.  Anyways, lemme tell y'all of the Christmas I swear I almost died.  This is also the Christmas special I had promised, sorry, repressed memories and more family dramatrauma happened.

Well, the basics.  Sally and I went with Scott up north, and honestly, I can't really remember the trip itself but assuming his intense hatred of his own spawn I'm going to assume it was ass.  Getting up there it was already evening so Cate, Sally, and I went exploring because we were bored, dumb, and overall hungry.  We went to the neighbor's house and stole food and drinks (they were letting my father and uncles sleep there, so...yeah no excuse for stealing tho, but whos gonna get us in trouble, God?). 

After just....idk fucking around we went back and did some stuff....I'm gonna check the suicide/rant note I had on this, one moment...

So, appppareentttly, the progression of events is as follows:

Right after all that fun we had to go put our clothes away, and I finished first so I walked around and found the cat, "Ginger" I think is his name, he would always wink at me, the sly  Anyways, I vibed with him for a while until I could have sworn I heard crying, so I went outside to investigate. 

Upon the discovery of my sister crying as though she got stabbed or something I immediately went to go ask what happened.  Through gasps and tears, she was able to explain that Cate was being bossy again and she wasn't fond of that, so she asked Scott if there was anything he could recommend so she could resolve the issue.  Apparently, he decided that this was a crime and yelled at her for "talking shit about the family" and how bad and terrible she was.  I got angry and defensive, because its sorta a flaw...I take the blame for losing it, but not his reaction to it, he's the adult here, I was 14.  Anyways, so I lose it and yell at him saying "She's just asking for advice, there's no need to fucking yell at her" like dude she has the right to her own feelings you disgusting human scum.

He is not too happy about this obviously so he decides to get off the see-saw pretty violently (Sally survived despite being pretty high in the air, the queen😌💅 ) and trips on the way off but stands there and stumbles a bit towards me with a clenched fist...he was going to hit me.  Shock was all I felt honestly, until adrenaline rushed through my body and I got up in his face and said "go ahead, hit me, do it, I dare you" while backing him up.  This was an open space, he wasn't in any danger unlike the times he backed me up in areas I couldn't escape, thus my claustrophobia with people around was born.  This is not about that though, so back to the story.

After that, I quite literally fell to my knees near them and broke down silently in shock, fear, and other complicated emotions I cannot explain to this day.  I was numb and yet fear was coursing through my entire body.  It was so bad apparently that the two dogs that were there at the time, my puppy Sadie (shes not a puppy, shes an older dog but she will always be my puppy) and their dog, idk the name, sorry.  But, both dogs had come over and started to try to engage me in play, or nuzzle me and bring me back to earth after being stuck in my own little world for a bit.  They didn't leave my side for a while, and when I finally got up they both hesitantly left, but they were being called in.  I, however, went to the swinging bench they have on the porch and just cried (below 40-degree weather) for so long, I was so scared but I knew that it would all be over soon...just 2 more days...

The next day was blurry, I think it was genuinely normal...Oh, wait.  The hayride.  So some context for this is that they sometimes have this little hayride which is pulled by a tractor and they just vibe around the...whatever area they vibe around.  Not really important where they go, just the event itself.

Now Sally was willing to go, I didn't.  I had a headache and staying around those people with nowhere to run was terrifying for me, so I said no.  My nana keeps trying to make me, and I'm like "ha, no".  Anyways, my uncle, Jewlz' and Cate's father get on my ass next trying to gaslight my ass into going and I'm like "You can't fucking make me, stop, I'm not going" or something like that, I just snapped.  My headache was terrible at that point.  Anyways, due to my fathers hatred of his mother, or some type of beef he told me that I could stay and not to listen to them.  Funny how he sides with me only to spite his own mother.

Anyways, I had called my mom shortly after informing her of this and told her I let Sally go by herself, which was fine she was 10, but I'm a little overprotective of her, my bad.

Anyways, I think Jewlz was on my side for staying and was going to take a bath.  At this current point in time, her cancer was unknown, she was just "really sick", important for the rest of the story.  But, I ended up crashing from the amount of emotional stress I was under.  I woke up when they got back, and the rest of the day was blurry again.  Repression babyyyyyy.

So later that night, like midnight and almost all the adults are drunk.  They never care if they have kids there, they're all alcoholics and the funeral story from when I was younger always fucks me up because of course, that would happen.  Again, not important, just reminiscing.  Moving on my lovelies, Scott is like blazing drunk, and only now do I realize how potentially dangerous the situation was...

Right right, blazing drunk, anyways he comes in a little after sally comes back from playing cards with all the drunk people (snagged 20 bucks for herself, I was low-key proud ngl), and starts just going off on me.  Cate was behind me, I naturally started to shield her, while keeping my eye on my sister on the blow-up mattress right in front of him, making sure she was ok.  Still, I heard every threat, each one if I'm being honest a stab to the heart.  He was yelling telling me he was going to beat me up, that he was going to just...hurt me.  Then, once he was done, my so loving and gracious uncle lets him demand hugs from us.  I told my little cousin that she didn't have to and that it was ok, but her fathers orders overruled my comfort and she did.  Looking back, I'm sorry you had to see that Cate...if only I could have protected you more.  Sally did as well, and I was the first to do so hoping the others didn't have to, but alas they did...

Keep in mind that was Christmas eve.  The second Christmas tainted....

Later that night I snuck out to the bench and just sobbed in below 40-degree weather (Fahrenheit) for hours, I went numb from the cold because I didn't have the proper clothing for the weather, the same as the night before, and it was a welcomed feeling because the pain was so intense. Eventually, I was reduced to small sniffled and shivering, still rocking myself in silence comfort...and...I think it was like 3:30/4 am when my uncle (the same one) attempted to comfort me and ordered me back inside, and so I slept on the couch for a while before getting up to celebrate Christmas with them...yay...

That morning before all of that Scott came in to try to apologize for his behavior but I told him to apologize to Jewlz for being loud and obscene because she needed rest and for all we knew if she didn't get that, she would be in danger.  To this day, I don't think he ever has, so personally I apologize Jewlz, for his behavior even if I shouldn't have to.

I got a coffee maker, we went home, the rest of the time was uneventful and retarded.  It's blurred because of course it is. be honest, it just came to me, but before we left my cousin Cate wanted to go on the see-saw with me one last time, and so I did.  I think that that experience may have opened her eyes a bit to what they are like, and what they are capable of, something I've carried with me since the age of nine.  I'm not completely sure, but I remember telling her it was not my place to tell her everything but to keep in mind that not all is as it seems.  I remember her understanding.  I feel bad for them both, but again, not my place.  I only wish them well for the rest of their lives.

Another tainted Christmas, and to this day I was up on Christmas morning and all I can feel is a deep sadness, my only Christmas wish every year is that one day I wake up on Christmas eve and feel like a kid again.

Anyways thanks lovelies, I think this is the last chapter unless I have any more experiences up there, love you all, thank you for staying with me all this time <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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