2 Hours of Horseback Riding and Claiming Land

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OK MY LITTLE PRINCESSES/PRINCES, THIS IS WHERE LIFE GETS FUN and annoying and drama and oh lord, get ready, sit down, buckle thE FUCK UP, CUZ HERE WE GO!

Ok, so Horseback riding probably had the most anger and hatred aimed at each other...over something that wasn't even remotely ours...for the first three years up there. Like, wtf little us, thAT LAND ISN'T YOURS STOP FIGHTING YOU DUMB FU—

Anyways, long story short, we were mad over land...LAND. It was so stupid and I just...I laugh cry every time I think about it.

So, we were babies. We didn't even...we didn't go horseback riding cuz we didn't even know how to ride one?! We just went to a vacant area and rode around on my grandmother's horse and just....enjoyed it...cuz that's what little kids do...just enjoy shit...*COUGH*

Ok, so as you know this was the year we started to go, just me and Jewlz, and this is also the year we started horseback riding. So, the horses up there have names, but we were little kids so of course we named them...here's how the convo went:

Jewlz: what are you gonna name yours?
Me: I'm gonna name mine DArK cHocO
Jewlz: ok, mines DaRk CoACo PiNe TReE DieTsCHak (our last name btw, not really important but 🤷‍♀️)

So obviously we decided to have different sections of the fucking pine forest that was up there (it's really beautiful, Aspen Meadows is like something out of a fucking book it's gorgeous) and fought over it and shit and it got split in half and we owned it and blah blah blah...

Other than that, our wrangler (a person that leads us down the path we take for the hour ride and makes sure we don't get lost...usually makes sure we don't get lost...). His name was Jeff and he was, and I quote "A cute wrangler. He chewed tobacco and sang 'The American Christmas Tree' with us". So, apparently he was a chill dude.

After that we go to the campground next to the trails (because some people camp out there and go multiple days and stuff) and saw some other horses and these really cute ass doggies and yeah, the second year was awesome.

Third year was similar to second year. We got there, and rode around and stuff. I never got the names of the second year's horses, because I'm missing that info for some reason and I'm mad, but it's ok. The wrangler we got that year was named...that info is missing too?! Fu——— ok, it's fine, there is just missing info, it doesn't make the story any less interesting. Anyways, that year we really didn't fight, and instead "brought the forests together" (eventhoughitwasnttechnicallyours) and were good kids. Now, it was called the B&J forest (because my name starts with B and Jewlz's name starts...with...J...)

AnYWAYS, we had a fun time but saw no doggies so that sucked but other than that we enjoyed it and it was really fun. That year, Jewlz actually made the sandwiches and THUS FORTH SHE WAS THE SANDWICH MAKER, THE HOLY GOD AND THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD MAKE MY PICKY BUTT EAT THE CRUSTS SHES IS A GOD, ALL HAIL JEWLZ.

We had evolved. I believe this was the year we got 2 hour rides, and it was dope. Our butts hurt more, but it was more fun and the scenery was amazing.  This year, the horses were namedddd...Tonto (my horse) and Joyce (Jewlz's horse). The wrangler's name was Seth. There was no description given this time sadly, sorry kiddos.

Besides all of that, we had a really fun time, and this was also the year we told a person about us "owning" the forest. He assumed he was working for us and I think the best part was seeing Jewlz just jump in and cut me off after I was trying to say he doesn't and tell him all the shit he had to do then and little me was just like u lil crap cake, it's a joke u sound like u about to go full boss mode on his ass.

All in all, it was a great year.

Also my ass almost got bucked off a horse that year so it was obviously a fucking amazing year.

Fifth year...probably similar to fourth year, I'm not so sure, foggy memory that year. Pictures say we happy so I'm trusting them.  I got a horse named Bailey and Jewlz got a horse named Rachel, which sounds like a horse that went with her to get Starbucks and talk about their boy problems.  Anyways, according tho the book it says that our wrangler was named Miles and he was our best weangler yet and knew all the songs to frozen.  Now, my ten year old ass hated that movie because god knows why, so the pictures lied.  I was in hell.  Fuck this year, there is nothing else to be said about this shit, moVING ON.

This year was awesome simply due to my horse....that's the only reason...the horse.  HIS NAME WAS VIPER AND I LOVED HIM OK, JEEZ....oh and Jewlz's one was named Mock...[insert laughing].  Our wrangler was named Norm and he had a mule named Herman.  No info is given on this man, so he was probably boring and or horrible, idk, I like his name tho, and his mule's.  That year we apparently were offered to work there for the summer and my ass is down in LA and not willing to make the drive so sorry guys, I'm good.  All in all, good year.

This was unknowingly the last year I would spend with Jewlz.  I think I was salty this year cuz my bitch of a cousin toOK VIPER FROM ME, IM SORRY BABY ILL BE BACK FOR YOU *cri*.  I got a horse named Bailey—wait...aww fuck it's dis horse ok, she back -.-.  All in all, didn't hate the horse, I just had a preference...MOVING ON.  The wrangler was named... *squints*...KeeKee.  Apparently...she got us lost and we got extra time, but she was a newbie and I don't blame her, 13/10, would get lost again. 

Was not pleased with going alone.  I fought with nana a lot because she's a controlling freak and I hated every moment of that car ride, but that's not the point.  I missed Jewlz and it was a depressing time up there.  On the bright side, I saw a corgi mix up there and rode with another father and daughter alone...not happy, anxiety on high, was mad potato.  They were sweet people tho and I was just a silent bitch listening to music, as you do.  I GoT ViPEr bAcK peEPS.  So happy, my baby was back.  He made the anxiety it worth it.  Other than that, I just spent my time thinking about the past years of horseback riding with Jewlz and claiming land together....

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