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Ok my lil demon children, I'm back with yet another part to this story.  Fuckin amazing that I posted two stories so fast, but this one is for theatrefreek, who basically wrote...this...whole...chapter...ANYWAYS, let's get started shall we?

Lake trips were a fav.  We used to always love to go swimming no matter what, cuz it was hella hot up here and Pincreast was fuckin beautiful and the ice cream tradition was always cool.  It started the first year when nana got us ice cream before we left, we claimed YET ANOTHER THING, a giant rock this time in which we sat our tired asses down to enjoy ice cream.  Life was chill.

ᖴIᖇᔕT YEᗩᖇ:
Year one was...ok I guess.  We were to young to do anything, so our main thing was sandcastles, like every other 5 year old.  Jewlz and I, being older, wanted more tho.  We wanted little floating balls in the lake that separated the ships from the swimmers, so it wouldn't turn into a bloody massacre.  Anyways, we wanted to swim out there cuz it was so far and it was so fascinating and the balls looked so big and yea know, everything else that came with the ridiculous need to see the giant floating balls in the lake.  We asked a bunch but nana said no and mini Satan was young so she was always tired and basically we were to young, mini Satan ruined everything and nana is just...nana...

That year was the start of the ice cream tradition, and we had found the rock.  It was the biggest so I guess, because this is a thing, our childish minds were like "yess...YES I HAVE FOUND IT.  THE BEST ROCK...yessss" and claimed usual...  I never really hated that year until I found the commentary in the book saying "she dropped her ice cream, and didn't even cry" like BITCH OF COURSE I DIDN'T CRY, IM 5 AND MATURE AND YOU'RE BEING A MEANY SO SCREW OFF. Btw was I who dropped the ice cream...fuck off.

ᔕEᑕOᑎᗪ YEᗩᖇ:
So second year...second year.  We were very sure since we had gotten ride of mini satan that we would finally get to go see the giant floating balls, but alas, nana was a meanie and was like "...fuck no, go build the fucking Mississippi in the sand or whatever" we did.  We fucking built the Mississippi and other shit. We were damn proud of it too. Other than that tho, we played in the water but were not allowed to gO OVER OUT HEAD OMG *insert demonic screaming*

Then, we went back to our rock, the rock we claimed, our rock...and sat..and ate.

I didn't drop my ice cream this year, SO HA.

TᕼᖇIᗪ YEᗩᖇ:
So this year was the year of the...the...begging again cuz nana sucks.  But, we did something different...cuz we were stupid.  So, remember how the floating balls in the lake separated the people from the boats?  Well, you could rent said boats.  We wanted a paddle boat, the boat from hell.  The leg day boat.  The boat that made us pass out at the end.  That boat.  We wanted that boat.  So we begged,  and got it, but regretted it immediately.  By the end we were crying and wanted it to end, but she pushed us through that hour or so of hell.  Hated it.

We then went back to our rock, dying, and ate our ice cream.   This year, Jewlz found out she felt shitty after ice cream and was possibly lactose but she ain't no quitter.  She eats that shit with me every year, and probably loves it to much to give it up anyways.  We fatties and proud (or at least I fat but she beautiful and yes, I've always been jealous gimme a break she's really pretty).  Then we went home and knocked out in the car.

ᖴOᑌᖇTᕼ YEᗩᖇ:
Fourth year was chill.  This is the year that we also got Dayo. This would turn into a tradition later on. We stayed away from the demon leg day boats and played on our pwetty lil beachy area, like normal.  This year was the year we again, begged but was DENIED.  It was another year of failure but we found other shit to do.  We had found the holy spot.  We called it...rock city.  It was basically a place in the water that had a shit ton of rocks, and a place near it had a shit ton of sticks, which was called stick city.  Anyways, we did disobey the law.  We went out over our heads.  Much savage.  Oh wow.

We then just fucked around, played in the water and did that kinda stuffs.  Jewlz became the official sand maker and life was fun.  We then went to our rock, the rock, the best rock, and ate our frozen dessert. Then went home.

ᖴIᖴTᕼ YEᗩᖇ:
Fifth year was dope.  Fifth year was the year that we finally got to go to the GIANT FLOATING BALL THINGS...with nana...ugh. We also gots dayo again, cuz we need our daily CAFFEINE. Anyways, back to the floating ball things. I guess we were small, but we were old enough to swim? Had floaties and were perfectly fine. But no. We needed her. Uuuggghhh. Beside the extra company, we were so excited to finally go the floating ball things and talked so highly of them and was fun af guys.

Btw, we took donut floaties out to the floating balls and it sometime during the way there, or the way back, Jewlz flipped. The reason...a fish almost swam up her ass. Idk why or how, it just almost did and she flipped. Honestly, if it would have, she could have at least been able to use it as an excuse against the saying "well what crawled (or in this case swam) up your ass and died" and she would be able to respond with "a fucking fish". She had a chance, but sadly, it went as fast as it came.

ᔕI᙭Tᕼ YEᗩᖇ:
We gots caffeine again. We then decided to spice our lives up more. We wanted more again, but we were smarter. We didn't choose another boat of death, instead we choose something way cooler. Logs. So, the story behind these beauties is that there is just a bunch of logs chained together that people can just go and try to get to the end where a giant floating metal ball was at the end and you could clai—wait...CLAIM. Now we had a mission. Claim the metal floating ball. This was a new purpose in life. It was glorious. We were so fucking ready for this shit.

So, we set off across the logs, but the issue was the logs themselves. They had moss and were super slippery. Then, we learned the logs also rotated.  They.  Fucking.  RotatedWe were not ready for that shit.  Not at all.  Jewlz fell the most times, but because I always balanced on slippery and rotating crap for fun, I was perfectly fine, for the most part.  I still fell a shit ton, don't get me wrong, but I was still better off then Jewlz.  Other than that, we also learned that it was cold and it took a long time to coax us out of the water to end the day.  We then went to our claimed rock and ate, then went back home.

ᔕEᐯEᑎTᕼ YEᗩᖇ:
So I'm almost 100% sure this year's trip was the most political awakening trip I've ever had.  We gots the coffee, and we were ready to d e b a t e. This year we mainly chilled at the logs, and was having fun...until...these...stupid...boys...came...along.  It was getting colder, so we were stranded at the end of the logs for that day.  We were gonna come back in a few mins after getting warm, but some morons had to call me along.  They came along and we were actually ok with them being there, until we starting talking to them.  They were very blind on a lot of issues, like wage gap and other stuff, very misogynist from what I remember, and probably the worst human beings I've ever met. 

Now, I was to cold to say stuff, but Jewlz was hella pissed.  Her ass was there for a good hour debating and fighting with them on different topics, while I just sat in awe and in the cold.  Eventually, we were called back by a very disappointed nana, but Jewlz was still fuming.  Life only got worse from there guys...

Not only was Jewlz still mad, and ranting, the line to the line for the ice cream was super long. It was super cold and worst of all...worst of all...our rock...OUR ROCK WAS STOLEN.

Ok not really but it was being sat on and we took personal offense to that.

EIGᕼTᕼ YEᗩᖇ:
Eighth year was lonely, like horseback riding was that year. I still gots da coffee, so that was nothing new, but something did bring a new aspect on the trip tho. A giant fucking unicorn floatie. Ya know those giant ducks that u can sit on, like mini rafts and shit. Yea, that but a golden unicorn thingy. It was kinda cool, but I had to go on with nana, and even then ig it was kinda cool. We played on that a bit and then went to the logs. At the logs I met this 8 year old, who was surprisingly fun to be around and I chilled with him for a while. Then, got the ice cream, reclaimed the rock, and forgot mostly about the rule of noT GOING OVER YOUR HEAD YOU LIL SH—

Sundown Summer Camp Adventures ft: 2 stupid and spiteful childrenWhere stories live. Discover now