3. Accepted

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_RedRumReaper_ is now online

Xx_Icequeen_xX is now online

Tristris0018 is now online

KM10 is now online

The_pinkfireball is now online

xXCLOUD_SHOTXx is now online

W33ab00_G0nna_Smash696 is now online

Mint_Rose780 is now online

You smiled brightly as your screen filled with different characters. There were two mages, a healer, an archer and two other warriors. You were super excited to hang out with your first party and squealed quietly when you saw messages beginning to pop up.

Xx_Icequeen_xX: Welcome _RedRumReaper_  <3

Mint_Rose78: Tch, why do we even need another warrior? We already have two, if you wanted to be useful you could've gotten another archer or healer

W33ab00_G0nna_Smash696: Yeah! You think Tristris0018 and I can't handle it! We don't need another warrior, we're fine the way we are. Right, Tristris0018?

Tristris0018: Give them a chance... apparently they're really high level and you're only a warrior on level 32 with trash equipment                                                                              

W33ab00_G0nna_Smash696: Hey!!!!!

KM10: Haha don't mind them, _RedRumReaper_, why don't you tell us what your level is. Xx_Icequeen_xX said that it was pretty up there

Even though some of the members didn't seem to keen on having you in the game you were still excited and quickly typed your reply into the keyboard.

_RedRumReaper_: Hey everyone, I just reached level 156 a few minutes ago

W33ab00_G0nna_Smash696: ...

Mint_Rose78: Whatever, just don't go bragging about it cause we don't care

_RedRumReaper_: Yeah sure, I promise I won't brag. I play almost every day so that's why I'm at a such high level

xXCLOUD_SHOTXx: Can we all just get along. We're going to be working together anyway so we might as well work together. Having our new member will benefit us all so just calm down

The_pinkfireball: ^-^

Xx_Icequeen_xX: Anyway let's get on with it, there's supposed to be a lot of loot in the forbidden forest so let's go

Tristris0018: Yeah give me a minute, I need to buy some new armour

You smiled even brighter, finally accepted by the people around you. Even if it were digital it was still so real to you, you couldn't imagine a world without this game. It was your everything at the moment. You all decided to meet up on the path just outside the forbidden forest to wait for Tristris0018 to get his armour and then you would all enter.

With Kaidou

_DeathSythe_: You better not screw us around, we're pretty serious about this game

h00tingowl _: Yeah, I mean you're only level 15, how long have you even been playing for?

Jet_black_wings: I just started and don't worry, I have some pretty high-level magic so I can help out

Kaidou was so excited. He had finally be allowed to join someone's party and show off his skills.  He was definitely going to brag about it to his little brother when he got home. Now that he thought about it he could tell his friends at school. They would think he was really cool if the told them all that he was invited to be apart of a party... He sweatdropped. They hadn't actually invited him. He saw two other players chatting about their party and begged them to let him join. He was getting no offers and knew no one else who played. All he really wanted was to do was make a friend... just one. He didn't care about being in a party really, he just wanted to get better without constantly dying.

Wanting to get better at the game he decided to search the internet for tips. Since he was now in a group he wanted to be able to keep up with the other players and not look weak. But once he searched it something else came up instead, it was about someone who was labelled as the legendary player.

'As soon as the game was launched a new player joined, instantly getting a hang of the game and climbing the levels quickly. They are the first person to pass level 100 and now 105. The username of the legendary player is currently unknown since other player's levels are private but they are out there. Anyone to have them in their party is super lucky. A player with that amount of power will get you to Lunar fields in no time'.

Kaidou's smile got even bigger. Perhaps he could find this legendary player and befriend them, then he would be protected. Maybe they could even give him a couple of tips on how to play. His cheeks tinted pink as he thought about it. "This legendary guy much be super cool, I want to be his partner!", he announces. "Shun-baby, what are you yelling about?", his mother calls from the other side of the door. His eyes widen as he pulls his homework over his laptop to hide it. "N-nothing I just figured out the answer to a really hard algebra question". There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "Well alright, come downstairs in a few minutes. Dinner's almost ready!". He doesn't respond but instead begins looking for tips for the game, to become partners with the legendary player he has to prove his worth.

Sorry that I didn't include how the characters looked, it would've been kinda pointless in my eyes. These are only for this part of the story, if you've read the description of the story then you already have an idea of what's going to happen. These party members are only going to be in the story temporarily. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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