26. Emergency

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Kaidou: Hey

Kaidou: Hey...

Kaidou: I know that you probably don't want to talk about this but I'm worried about you

Kaidou: Can you at least text me back so I know you're okay, you're really worrying me

Kaidou: Are you playing Lunar tonight? I heard there's a new location

Kaidou: We could loot it and I'm sure that there'll be another boss and new creatures

Kaidou: What level are you again? You're pretty close to 500 now I think

Kaidou: Last time you told me that you were in your early 400's, I hope that you can get it soon

Kaidou: I'm going on now if you want to play together

Kaidou: I'm getting off for a while, I'm gonna have dinner and then study, I'll let you know when I go back on

Kaidou: I'm all done, do you wanna play now?  I'll been farming some xp while I wait

Kaidou: Did you end up buying that armor you wanted? I went to the market and it's still available

Kaidou: It's getting pretty late, I think I'll go to bed now

Kaidou: It's hard to get to sleep when I'm constantly worrying about you, can you reply at least once?

Kaidou: (Y/n)?

Kaidou: Please reply

Kaidou: Please


You woke up the next morning hissing in pain as you tried to sit up. The pain was even worse now that it had been left there. No one knew about this besides you, Kaidou barely catching a glimpse of what those girls did to you. Last night you didn't go down stairs to have dinner, instead, you powered through the night with the few snacks you had in your room.

Pushing through the unbelievable pain, you got up and dressed yourself in your school uniform. You were reluctant to go to school but knew that there was no way you could get out of it. Looking at your reflection in your mirror, you sighed. The bruise on your eye had grown even more noticeable, having changed from a light brown to a dark purple. It stood out, the only thing that helped was partially covering your face with your hair. If someone was looking at you they would easily be able to point it out but you hoped that you could keep you head down and get away without it.

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