28. Regret

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You turned off your computer for the night and pushed away from the desk, leaning back in the chair to stare up at the ceiling. It hurt pushing Kaidou away but you thought it was the right thing to do. Sure, you liked him but it wasn't about you. You wanted him to forget about you and to live his life the way he did before the two of you had met. He had his own friends and there was that girl, the one who approached you two at the festival. It was obvious that she liked him, she was pretty as well so you thought it would be better for him to be with someone like her. She was kind and looked like she had a few friends, you had noticed her in the corner with a sparkly blue-haired girl and another with glasses and brown hair. Someone like her would be perfect for him.

Nitori walked up the stairs and to your bedroom door, knocking lightly before pushing it open.

"Hey, dinner's ready," he called, frowning when he noticed the upset look on your face. You nodded and got up, walking past him to go to the dining room. But you were stopped when a hand was placed on your shoulder. Turning your head back, you saw Nitori giving you a worried look.

"Everything alright?" he asks, hoping that you'd tell the truth. You bit your lip, not wanting to lie to him. But even if you did, you knew that he'd see right through it. He had been through a lot, maybe even more than you. Also, if he knew something was wrong you were sure he'd just tell you another story from his life, one that would make you feel bad again. Instead of pushing him away, you gave in.

"Can I tell you after dinner?" you asked, praying that he'd give you a little more time before you opened up about what was bothering you. He nodded, smiling softly down at you.

"Of course, just as long as you're comfortable telling me." He then pulled his hand from your shoulder, heading back to the stairs.

"Let's go down now, wouldn't want our food to get cold," he joked, gesturing for you to follow. You did so, walking behind him down the stairs and to the dining room.

When you entered the room, the old man was already seated at the table, waiting for the two of you. Three plates sat on its wooden surface, empty and awaiting food to fill the from the bowls and containers that sat in the middle.

"Hungry?" the old man asked as you sat beside him. You couldn't help but smile in response, nodding. You were very hungry, after everything that happened that day you were worn out and needed to replenish all the energy you had lost. Nitori sat across from you and sent reassuring smiles throughout the meal, you wouldn't admit it out loud but it helped you feel more comfortable.

This house, family and lifestyle were all new to you yet your now father and grandfather were there every step of the way, you knew that they'd do anything to help you. They would never judge you, they'd console you were you were upset, they'd treat you like you were a part of their family, their daughter and granddaughter.


Dinner went by fairly quickly, you helping Nitori with the dishes once everyone was full. He was pleased with you helping, but you were used to it. Back in the orphanage, you used to help out all the time whether it was with the younger kids, cooking occasionally and cleaning.

Leftovers were put in the fridge and dishes washed and put away, leaving both the dining room and kitchen spotless again. The old man had returned to the couch, sitting down and beginning to watch a TV show about antiques. While he was busy, Nitori walked towards the back door and gestured you to follow. You did as he asked, letting him lead you out into the back garden. It was a reasonable size, the wooden fence lined by colorful flower-covered bushes. At this point, it was getting dark. The sun set over the mountains, painting the sky a mixture of pink and orange.

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