9. Request

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"Why don't you guys believe me?", Kaidou groans, hiding his face in his hands. Nendou shrugs his shoulders as he picks his nose, not caring about the weird looks he was getting from the other students.

"You always make up stuff, how do we know this isn't another one of your stupid pranks?", Kuboyasu asks, pushing his hair back. Kaidou sighs and reaches into his pocket, fishing out his phone.

"We text every day and no matter how many messages he sends me you still don't believe me. I have all of the proof, what else could you want?".

"We want actual proof. I don't doubt that you're talking to someone", Hairo interjects.

"I just think that it may not be who you think it is, they could be 50 years old for all you know". Kaidou rolls his eyes.

"They aren't 50, they go to KP high school".

"But anyone can say that they go to high school. I don't doubt that they live in Japan, I am just thinking about who they really are", Kuboyasu explains, taking a seat at his desk when he noticing the teacher enter the classroom.

"Well, what can I do for you to believe me?", Kaidou whispers to the purple-haired boy. Kuboyasu smirks, hiding his amused smile with his hand.

"Take a picture with them and then show it to us". Kaidou's eyes widened.

"But that means that I will have to meet up with them in real life", he panics quietly.

"Why are you so against it? If you guys get along so well online and during the game, you two should be fine meeting up in person", Hairo adds. Kaidou bit his lip and faced the front as the teacher started the lesson. It was hard for him to focus since all that was on his mind was the thought of meeting up with his online friend but he needed to do it, he had to prove to the others that (L/n) was a real person and that he was cool enough to have him as a friend.


You lay back on your bed, staring at the ceiling, bored out of your mind. You had finished all of your chores and homework, right now you were just waiting for Kaidou to come out of cram school for the day. Usually, you would go on before him and he'd join later but he asked you to wait today. There was an update to the game and a new area was added to the map, it was called the ruins. You had been reading up on it before but ran of stuff to read. Apparently, it used to be a temple where mages were trained but was destroyed after it came under attack by a clan of trolls. Apparently, the mage's were overpowered by the trolls and left the temple to find sanctuary somewhere else. Now there are supposed to be a lot of trolls living around there, guarding a rare treasure.

Honestly, you were very excited to travel to this new area. It had been a week since you and Kaidou had exchanged names and you two seemed to grow closer as friends. But there was something that you couldn't wrap your head around. Who actually was Kaidou and would there be a point where you would meet? Would it happen by accident? Maybe you would run into him in town, but even if that did happen how are you supposed to know if it's him or not. It's not like he'll be wearing a badge with his name on it. Letting out a long breath you sat up and checked the time on your phone. He should've gotten out of cram school 15 minutes ago. Your phone buzzed in your hand, a message from Kaidou popping up on screen.

Hey, I just got home, do you wanna go on now?

Your face lit up at the sight of the message and you quickly typed a reply before running over to your computer, dragging the desk over to your bed.

Of course, I'll go on right now

It didn't take long for your computer to start up and the game to load. You were so excited that you gently bounced on your bed, a wide smile spread across your face. You logged into your account and watched as everything loaded around you. You spawned in an inn near the ruins, your character slowly sat up from their lying position and rubbed their eyes tiredly. Once you had control of your character you turned your camera, watching as the familiar mage appeared in the bed on the other side of the room. Your smile remained on your face, watching as he slowly got up off his own bed.

Unexpected (Kaidou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now