17. Text

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Kaidou sat on his bed, staring down at the phone which lay before him. He was dressed in his school uniform and ready for the day that awaited at PK academy. But there was something plaguing his mind recently. After hanging out with (Y/n) for the first time, he was very eager to spend more time with the girl. Not wanting to look desperate, he wondered if it was best for him to wait for her to text. They did talk every day, not only while playing Lunar fields but also in their spare time. Sometimes they would stay up late texting and on the rare occasion, call each other. Her voice was really soothing and he loved to hear about her day when he got back from cram school. He struggled to keep this a secret from his mother but was lucky she hadn't caught on. His obvious red face, nervousness and regular zoning out proved just how mesmerised he was, yet he wouldn't admit it. Anyway, they had met only once.

Continuing to stare down at the phone, he jolted when it unexpectedly buzzed. On the open messaging app was a new message from (Y/n).

Hey... Are you alright?

He raised an eyebrow as he picked up his phone, confused by the message. You weren't asking as if you were genuinely concerned, this had nothing to do with you worrying about his safety. This was asked as if he had done something weird and she was making sure he was sane. He quickly typed a reply and sent it, watching the screen intensely as he awaited a reply.

Yeah, why do you ask?

Well, it says you've been typing a message for over twenty minutes. I was going to text you but since it said you were already typing, I left it and waited

Kaidou's face went bright red with embarrassment. He could now either come up with an excuse and save himself from looking like a weirdo or be exposed for staring at his phone for twenty minutes as he thought about how he was going to ask this girl if she wanted to hang out. Thinking of the most valid of excuses, he typed out his response.

Sorry about that, I was going to text you but I was called to the kitchen to help my brother with something. Sorry, if that made you uncomfortable or anything

Hey, it's all good. Anyway, what were you going to text me about? All I wanted to say was good morning :3

Kaidou's expression softened at the message, feeling happy that this morning you had thought to text him. Taking a deep breath, he decided to come clean and just ask you if you wanted to hang out.

To be honest I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out after school today. It's been a while since we last met up and I wanted to see you again

Instant regret. That was what the poor cinnamon roll of a boy felt once he hit the send button. He wasn't texting her like a friend, he was texting her as if they were super close and she was his girlfriend. Hiding his face in his bandaged hands, he peeked through his fingers to look at the screen laying on the bed in front of him once again.

Haha really? That's cute, I want to see you too. And we can meet up after school, it sounds like fun. It'll be good for me to get out of the house

He let out a sigh of relief at the kind message, his eyes lingering on the word cute as his face radiated more heat than it had ever done before. You had just called him cute, something which made him feel as happy as it did nervous. Taking another deep breath he calmly texted back.

Cool, you go to KP high, right? There's a gaming cafe not too far away from there. Would it be alright if I pick you up from school and then we go there?

He held his breath as he waited, feeling relieved once his phone buzzed once more.

Sounds like fun, but I'm paying this time

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