E. Aster Bunnymund (ROTG)

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(Takes place a few weeks after the events of the movie)

I didn't exactly have an easy start in life, my parents never wanted me, no one wanted to be my friend, and the bullies keep picking on me while the teachers did nothing to help. What kept me going was the easter bunny, even after having a hard life to begin with, I never stopped believing in him. Every easter I found a easter egg left by him, even if I was too old to believe in him.

I'm 19 now and I still believe, I'll never stop believing. On easter eve this year I was having a bad nightmare. It showed me meeting the easter bunny, only to be killed 20 times over by him. I knew this was only a nightmare but I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried, until I saw some golden sand and within moments the nightmare turned into a nice dream of a peaceful valley. I finally felt like waking up, I focused on that.

I finally managed to open my eyes and sit up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and heard a sound from downstairs, more like sounds of fighting. I grabbed my flashlight, my phone and put on some clothes. I quietly went downstairs and saw a black beast coming at me, I shined my light on making it stop long enough for me to kick it in the face. It turned into golden sand and it surrounded me, like it was now trying to keep me safe.

I did feel safer but I kept moving and saw the boogeyman himself being taking down by Sandman while another black beast tried to get at me, I flashed it and kicked it causing it to turn into more golden sand. Then the sand disappeared as well as Boogeyman and Sandman, I was beginning to believe I was actually only seeing things, as I live in a abandoned two story cabin in the woods alone. No one knew I lived here.

I then felt something grab my shoulder and I turn to see a seven foot one bunny looking down at me "you didn't have a easy life to begin with mate and now here we are saving you from Pitch" he said in an australian accent. "Are you the easter bunny?" I ask "yup, names E. Aster Bunnymund" he said smiling at me warmly "cool, uh, thanks for saving me" I told him "ya welcome mate but I want to know something" he said.

That puzzled me "what do you want to know?" "Well, I been watching you every year and been wondering, why do you still believe in me?" "You always leave me a easter egg and no one else knows that I live here" I told him. He smiles "well then, why don't I do something special for ya?" "What do you mean?" "I can give ya a new life is ya want" I thought about it and finally decided.

"Ok, I accept" he smiled and took my clothes off causing me to blush as red as a tomato, I'm now naked and Bunnymund showed me his rear. I put two and two together and shoved myself into him, I could hear him moan as I went in further. Soon he started to suck me up and I was in his womb within a minute. I hear the beating of his heart and the fast paced breathing.

I guess it took him a bit to help me into him, I felt something on my abdomen and saw it was a tube, the womb filled with a fluid but I didn't choke. I felt him rubbing and I rubbed back, I let the darkness take me.

Months later

I woke up to a feeling of warmth and opened my eyes to see that I'm in his arms "Bunnymund?" I asked in a younger voice "Hey son" he said. I saw a mirror and noticed that I'm like him except younger. I smiled and hugged him, he fed me and got me cleaned. I soon fell asleep as it was night time, and I can see that I'm going to love being the son of the easter bunny.

Up next: Wolf O'Donnell

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