Anguirus (Godzilla)

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(This takes place sometime after the Godzilla PS4 game, after burning godzilla was frozen)

It's been a few months since Godzilla was frozen and dumped into the ocean. I was still trying to recover from the fact I lost my family in the attack. At one point when Godzilla was burning, another Godzilla, the alpha predator had appeared to restore balance by putting down the king of kaiju himself. Unfortunately the alpha predator failed only for Anguirus, one of Godzilla's friends to appear to stop it all himself.

He failed as well and was knocked unconscious soon after he tried to fight. I remember when I was trying to run from the fight a building was crashing down on top of me. Anguirus was there to take the hit so I could escape and I am forever grateful. The next morning after the attack, the alpha predator and Anguirus woke and left the area. The alpha predator to the sea and Anguirus underground somewhere.

Now today, I was walking around the countryside unsure what to do now in life. I was still depressed about the loss of my parents. I get by as best as I can but it sometimes isn't enough. I was about to sit down for a bit when I looked to my left, I saw Anguirus himself just laying there, in the middle of nowhere, seeming to be deep in thought. I believe I know why, its because of Godzilla was his friend, and he had to help stop him burning.

Anguirus must be feeling regret and guilt of that and was in mourning of his lost friend. I walk up to him, not to mention that he is a Kaiju, so he is hands down huge compared to me about 50 meter class, while I'm 5"7" and yeah he is bigger, need I say more? He noticed I was there as he looked down at me, staring in curiosity. He's most likely wondering why I was out here and far from a city or town.

I stop in front of him as he brings his head down to my level or at least as low as he can. He must be really confused as to why I'm here. After about a few more minutes later, we seem to understand why we are here by ourselves. I stayed with him as we continue to mourn for our losses, mentally supporting each other. There at the end of the day we part ways only to meet back up the next day.

2 months later

This has been going on for the past 2 months and it's the same as always, until one day. I was visiting Anguirus again but this time, he surprised me. He was there like usual but when I greeted him, he turned his back to me and revealed his rear to me. I was blushing as I was staring right at his tailhole. He backs up to me with his rear still pointed at me. I think I get what he wants.

I take my clothes off and now I was completely nude. Anguirus looked back at me and I could've swear I saw a tiny blush on his face. I then gather up the will to move forward, I then run and jump into his rear. I'm pretty sure I heard him moan slightly as I travel up his rear. After a while I jump into a large fleshy chamber. I was standing at the center for a bit until, I felt it.

A tube of some kind connects to my bellybutton. I didn't know what this was but I did notice that some fluids begin to fill the chamber. I was beginning to get scared as I didn't know what was going to happen to me. Soon the chamber is full of the fluids and I was drifting back to the center. My breathing is still fine and I start to relax, maybe it isn't so bad in here as I thought it would be.

I still don't really get what gave me the pull to come in here without my clothes. Well they would be ruined if they got drenched in this fluid. I suddenly felt drowsy and deciding that it was not an issue at this point, I let sleep take me.

A few months later

Different, that's the first thing I felt. I then open my eyes and saw I was outside Anguirus but when did he become my height and why does everything seem so small? I then look at myself and realize that I actually grew and became Anguirus' son. I was happy that this happen yet unsure how it was possible. I also realize that we were on monster island.

After a long day of getting use to my new kaiju body and eating with my dad, I now am sleeping soundly with him at our cave and let me tell you that this was the best thing that can ever happen in life.

(That is a wrap for this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it, for now I shall be getting ready to celebrate my upcoming birthday on the 27th this month or at least the weekend after, see you guys next time)

Up next: unbirthing Shu

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