Deathclaw (fallout 4)

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(Takes place during the game and the sole survivor was going after Kellogg)

I sneaked around a junkyard looking for scraps or supplies for myself, I used to be apart of a nearby settlement until a raider attack happened. I was the only survivor, though I got some bullet wounds but I'll recover but I need to avoid *a bullet flies past my ear* them. "Get back here" one of them shouted. I ran as fast as I could but not fast enough, I tripped on something and fell forward.

Then big footsteps were heard and felt "oh no, a deathclaw! run for it!" one said as they ran. So this is how I die, at the hands of wasteland's most deadliest creature. I soon fade out into unconsciousness, I came to being in a fleshy chamber with fluids filling the whole thing but I was breathing fine. I felt a tube on my bellybutton and I was sure I knew what was going on now.

The deathclaw was unbirthing me, the thought was kind of a scare but I felt safe here, like nothing could hurt me. I could hear the beating heat of my captor above the womb, and breathing as well "You ok in there?" That voice sounded male "uh, yeah I am, you are?" "I am Bigs your captor, I saw you getting harassed by those raiders so I scared them and checked to see if you were ok but you weren't. So I did the one thing I could do and that is to give you a new life" he said.

He cares about me, I'm touched really "well thank you for that I guess, I'm B by the way" "B as in?" "Oh just B, it's a nickname my brother gave me" "I understand, so I'll see you in a few months" "Yeah that'll be great" I said falling back asleep.

Few months later

I rested in his arms seeing his warm smile "hello my child" "Hey dad" I said as I was now a baby deathclaw. I was fed and cleaned, now sleeping with my new father feeling happy to be protected.

Up next: Xenomorph Warrior

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