Chapter 5

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A/N AHH!!! hectic week... I haven't had my computer since Friday and i missed it so much... stupid visiting my dad then a surprise visit to my grandma's! ugh. well if this chapter sucks, I'm sorry guys. I'm trying to catch up on my reading on wattpad, pack up all my stuff for the move to Houston on Saturday, tying to stop the move from happening, say goodbye to all my friends and then just craziness right now. and I'm not looking forward to the coming weeks... Time to let all the frustration and teenage hormones out! lololololol i only make myself laugh :3 and Weelllll I'm dedicating this chapter to my AMAZAYN friend who makes me giggle with her crazy dances and the singing to my psycho bunny. HannahWillard3 she always reads my junk and gives me ideas and listens to me ramble on about one direction and chizz and... CHECK OUT HER STORIES (especially Paint! I get on to her when she doesn't update soon enough for me :3). thanks guys!!! HAPPY SUNDAY! <3Juliet

We went straight to Harry and Louis' flat and Niall was complaining about how hungry he was once again. I was absolutely tired, so Louis showed me the guest room that I would be staying in for the next two weeks. All the boys sat in the living room and Harry was inspecting the cabinets for food for Niall. I came out of the room and sat down onto the carpeted floor of the living room while listening to Niall groan about hunger, clicking of keys on an iPhone (Zayn probably), Louis munching on something orange, and Liam trying to control it all. Before I knew it, Harry came out of the kitchen and Niall looked up at him hopefully.

"Sorry Niall," He shrugged his shoulders, "When you leave for a couple months you tend not to have food when you get back," Niall groaned and fell back onto the couch and Harry stood in the doorway, looking at me. Everyone sat in silence for a few moments and then Liam got up and began to talk.

"So I guess we'll have to go get food for Niall. Any requests?" Niall's eyes shot open and he then sat up.

"NANDOS!!!" he jumped on his small portion of the couch and Louis joined him in the jumping. They both repeated "Nandos!" A few more times before Zayn got up and opened the door and said,

"Less go to Nando's!" both boys who were once jumping on the couch were now halfway out the door and to the car.

"SHOTGUN!!!" Louis yelled.

"No fair! You're driving!" Niall responded.

"Well Narks," Liam and Zayn then walked out the door to the car. I still sat on the floor and Harry was walking out the door. Then before I knew it, his head popped back into the flat.

"You coming?" I nodded my head 'no', "Why not?"

"I'm tired..." He walked over and sat down in front of me.

"You sure?"


"Well I'm not hungry. The food we got on the way over is still digesting," He winked at me and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I heard a scream come from the car.

"GUYS! If you want food you both better get your bums into the car within one minute!" Of course that was Louis.

"NO! Make that thirty seconds!" Niall really wanted food.

"Harry, go with the guys. I'm fine here."

"Nah, I'll stay here, we can have 'couple time'." He did quotation marks around couple time and I rolled my eyes and tried to stifle a laugh.

"Fine. But we're going grocery shopping," Maybe that will make him go...

"Okay!" Didn't expect him to say that. He got up and stuck his head out the front door, "Go guys! Alli and I are gonna stay behind!" Louis rolled down the driver's window and yelled out.

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