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   On a warm sunny day in summer, I walk around the gigantic park next to my house. The park is filled with people, some exercising to relieve the stress load of their work, some walking angrily and others are walking with their lovers and loved ones. I was no different, fastening my pace every minute until the point where I was running, my heavy breathing blocking any noise I could possibly hear. As I was running, I see my colleague her arms around a man's arm. When I move my eyes to his face, my heart stops beating, I stop running and after a few seconds, I am on my knees. He was my man, the one I admired and respected the most. He was my boyfriend. Not only do I have to be on my knees but tears have to come out of my eyes, almost pouring out of my eyes. I look at them, mixed feelings clouding my brain, unsure of everything I am seeing right now. I was hoping that this was a nightmare, that I would wake up and my boyfriend would be with me. I couldn't think of any reason for them to be together. They did not even know each other yet alone to have a reason to see each other. My friend sees me on the ground offering to help me stand up and asking me what happened. I could not even hear her or maybe it was my body refusing to listen to anything she says. My boyfriend sees me and asks if I am okay. I wanted to be strong in front of them. I wanted to let them know that even if my boyfriend cheats on me and even if my friend dates my boyfriend while knowing that I like him and I was dating him, I could pretend as if none of that is important to me, that nothing could break my heart to pieces, that I did not care at all. After I stop thinking, I tell them that I am fine and run to somewhere where I can be alone. I start crying my heart out, my eyes red and the people around me worried. Some asking me if I am alright but I do not answer them. When I reach somewhere far from them, I squat down, pushing my knees to my chest, and crying while looking at the ground. I could not remove the disturbing image from my head. I felt angry, annoyed, sad, used and weak. Weak for crying despite knowing that I told her who my boyfriend is. I could not imagine that she would do this to me.
    My phone starts ringing and I look to see its my mom calling as usual. I answer the call and hear my mom's soothing voice. I could not answer her as I was still crying. I hung up the phone and text her that I am busy right now. How could someone come between a couple and force them to break up and pretend as if she is innocent? I should not have told her, regretting my decision to tell her about my boyfriend. Alas, whats done is done. She is seeing my boyfriend and my boyfriend betrayed me by going out with her.

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