Chapter 1

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Madison's POV

"You're hired," the woman who is interviewing me, Angelica, I think she said her name was.

"Wait. What?" I respond. She hasn't even finished the interview yet and she is still holding my portfolio. How has she decided she wants to hire me already? How?

I decide to voice my questions "Why am I hired? You haven't even finished the interview."

"Are you questioning me?"

"No ma'am" I gulp. This woman is scary even if she is my age, shorter, and dressed in a pink blouse. She just has an intimidating aura.

"Well, I will repeat myself. You, James Madison, are being hired as a photographer to 'Revolutionary Today'."

"I mean," I start, "Why are you hiring me? My portfolio is not that good."

She laughs a little, and responds, "would you rather me not hire you?"

"No!" I say quickly.

"Well, then" she gives a little grin, and I am starting to think she is pretty cool, "You start tomorrow." She pushes a few pieces of paper across the MAHOGANY (please tell me you got the joke lol) table to me and standing up. "All the information you will need is right there. I will see you tomorrow at 7:30 sharp."

I stand out, starting to back out the door wanting to get home, so I can actually get some sleep before tomorrow. I get to the door and keep thanking Angelica profusely.

As I exit the office and start walking to my car, I am still so much in a trance that I bump into a tall man in a maroon sweatshirt. I back away saying "sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm really sorry." Nervously as he glares at me.

He turns around and walks away, and I walk in opposite direction to my car.

When I get home, I read through the papers which talk about upcoming projects, salary and pretty much all the other normal stuff. The only abnormal thing is that I have a partner...

Wait. A partner?

On the paper, it says that I will be working with a Thomas Jefferson.


After getting the most sleep I have had in weeks (5 hours), I am feeling very refreshed but also quite nervous.

After going through about 12 options getting dressed (too formal, too casual, too bright etc.), shoveling some form of breakfast down my thought (oatmeal, or eggs, or cereal), leaving, remembering that I forgot my camera, and finally getting on my way, I turn on my musical playlist in the car.

Hey guys!

Sorry, it's so short. I just wanted to get something out! I am so glad to be back and I really do hope that you guys like it!!! Thanks!

Ink and Cameras (JeffMads) (Newspaper AU)Where stories live. Discover now