Finding Out Where We Are

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The six of you made your way to the large building you saw. Along the way, you noticed a lot of younger people carrying weapons. You figured this was some sort of military academy, as that was the only place you'd seen that had people carrying weapons. You were getting looks from some of the people, most were of unease which were mainly directed at you and Tower. You shook them off and West came across a man with grey hair, spectacles and brown eyes dressed in some sort of buttoned shirt and vest and holding a cane in one hand, the other holding a cup. To the man's left was a tall woman with blonde hair,  green eyes and thin glasses wearing a long sleeved top with a cape. They both looked at the six of you with confusion.

 They both looked at the six of you with confusion

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"Excuse me, sir. But where are we?", West asked in curiosity. The man spoke

"You are in Beacon Academy. My name is Professor Ozpin and this is Glynda Goodwitch. Who are you six?", he responded. West cleared his throat to speak better

"I am West, leader of this squad. We are known as the Heroes", he replied.

"My name is Nathan. I'm an engineer, very good at fixing anything you need help with", Nathan said

"This is a nice place, though. Oh I'm Snipa-X-Killa by the way", Jyn said. You facepalmed

"Yeah right kid. He's Jyn.", Dex said with a laugh. Jyn sighed

"Oh c'mon Dex, I'm trying to make a first impression here!", he complained. You cleared your throat

"Oh, that big oaf over there doesn't talk much", Jyn said pointing to Tower. "We dont know his name, so we call him Tower. My idea of course", he said proudly. Tower folded his arms again and just said "Hmph" like he had when you arrived a few minutes ago. You couldn't help but smile under your helmet

"My name is Y/N. Dex is sort of a lone wolf kind of guy. But usually his strength and expertise with weapons helps us out. Jyn is an expert sniper. Weirdest thing is that he got this good by learning how to play using video games half the time. Tower and I are known as Juggernauts. We carry heavy weapons and our armor can take a lot of damage before it even comes close to buckling or breaking", you explained. Ozpin sipped his drink

"How did you six get here? I didn't see you on any of the Bullheads that arrived here earlier", he asked

"We can't seem to understand it either. We were at our base just a few minutes ago when this purple portal appeared and sucked us in. We landed pretty damn hard on the ground nearby", you said pointing to a small crater in the ground caused by when you and Tower fell through. Glynda went over to the crater and she somehow managed to repair it. You were shocked

"Come with me. We have a lot to discuss. I have a feeling you'll get along well with General Ironwood", Ozpin said and you six followed him into the building

"Iron-who?", you asked. Ozpin looked at you

"General James Ironwood. He commands the military in Beacon", Ozpin explained. You were surprised that apparently one man commanded an entire army. You shrugged off the thought and followed him alongside your team. Glynda followed behind you. The eight of you stepped into an elevator and it began to rise to the top floor. As soon as it stopped, you were met with an important looking man. This must be the General James Ironwood you were told about. 

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