Making New Friends

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You were sat in the mess hall with your helmet off and making good conversation with Pyrrha and her friends. An orange haired girl next to Pyrrha was asleep and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Military careers aren't for everyone. For my juggernaut training, i had to do 20 weightlifting hours every week for seven months to build up the strength to wear the armor. Its called heavy armor for many reasons", you said while taking a bite from your Meals Ready to Eat pack. Having basically lived on that stuff for your entire life in the squad, it was basically the only food you'd eaten other than the odd snack back at the base. The blonde guy was awed.

"What are your names?", you asked them. The blonde guy spoke first.

 The blonde guy spoke first

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"Name is Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you", he said with a smile and you shook his hand. The orange haired girl next to Pyrrha popped her head up.

 The orange haired girl next to Pyrrha popped her head up

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"Nora Valkyrie. Your armor is so cool. Wonder if it could stand a bashing?", she said while picking up a hammer. You smiled

"It once took a blast from 15 grenades at once and not even a scratch. So it can stand that.", you said to her. A boy with black hair with a magenta streak spoke next.

 A boy with black hair with a magenta streak spoke next

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"My name is Lie Ren. It's nice to meet soldiers like you.  I hope to see your abilities in full, to see what you are capable of", he said. You liked this guy's respectful and polite tone.
"Together we form Team JNPR. Jaune leads the team", Pyrrha explained. Suddenly you heard mocking and looked to your right to see four boys laughing and mocking a rabbit girl. They were pulling her ears with no remorse. You growled and got up, putting on your helmet.

"Y/N, where are you going?", Pyrrha asked. You looked at her

"To teach some people a lesson in respect!", you said to her before you walked to the four boys. The taller one looked at you

"What do you want?!", he growled.

"For you to let go of her ears!", you growled back. He laughed

"You defending this freak?", he sneered. As soon as he let go of the girl's ears, you grabbed the back of his head and slammed him three times into the table, causing everyone to look. The other three boys looked at you in shock and anger

"You want to fight me? Go right ahead!", you challenged them. The one with a green mohawk tried to hit you but ended up breaking his hand because of the toughness of your armor. You effortlessly batted him aside into a wall before grabbing the yellow armored one and slamming him to the floor. The blue haired one backed up in fear. You immediately activated your Fire ability and he ran off scared, as did the other two.

You then grabbed the taller one by his neck and held him so he was looking you dead in the eyes of your helmet

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You then grabbed the taller one by his neck and held him so he was looking you dead in the eyes of your helmet

"Hurt her again and I'll break your spine", you threatened. He laughed a little

"You don't have the guts", he said. Immediately after he said that, you broke his legs and threw him through the window before tending to the rabbit girl, your Fire disappearing and your ordinary armor colour returning. You removed your helmet so she could see your face.

"You ok? That looked pretty rough", you said reaching for her ear

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"You ok? That looked pretty rough", you said reaching for her ear. She winced, bracing herself for more pain but you gently rubbed it to help ease the pain. She blushed a little

"My name is Y/N. What's yours?", you asked her.

"Velvet.", she said shyly.

"That's a nice name", you said and she blushed more. When the pain was gone, she hugged you.

"Thank you", she said. You smiled and hugged her back. She soon left the mess hall and you sat back down with your team and friends

"That was a bit extreme, but it's what I would have done if I had your strength Y/N", West said. You smiled proudly

"Just cause she's what you guys would call a Faunus, it doesn't mean she's any less of a person than us.", you said to your team and they nodded their heads. Pyrrha smiled happily and Nora noticed she was blushing a little and she smiled at this

'He's so handsome', Pyrrha thought to herself. Nora chuckled noticing Pyrrha was lost in thought, staring at your body.

"Does Pyrrha Nikos have a crush on Y/N?", Nora teased and Pyrrha blushed so much her cheeks blended in with her hair. You smiled at her and noticed her touching your hand. You blushed a little. You wouldn't admit it but you were beginning to have a crush on Pyrrha. She was so nice and friendly. Not to mention she was beautiful. Jyn noticed your blush and nudged you cheekily

"You like her don't you?", he teased.

"Not like that", you and her blurted out at the same time. You both blushed even more. West decided to change the subject to not embarras you or Pyrrha anymore.

"You want to see our transport craft?", he offered. Nora jumped in excitement.

"Yes please", she said and the 10 of you made your way to the transport craft. You admitted it to yourself, you were in love with Pyrrha. You didn't know she was in love with you. You thought the blush was her embarrassed at having accidentally touched your hand. You also were unsure about Velvet. But if that happened again, you'd be there to protect her. Even the biggest and toughest guys have soft spots in their hearts for people. You were no exception. You had a crush on Pyrrha, but were unaware she had a crush on you too. Hopefully you would find the courage to admit your feelings to her soon. Pyrrha also talked about a team called Team RWBY, which piqued your interest. You were always happy to make new friends.

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