Talk with Sienna

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The next morning, Y/N woke up and fastened on his armor before he got a call on his helmet from his squad. He answered it after making sure no one was around and was met with the panicked voice of Nathan

Y/N: Yes Nathan?

Nathan: Y/N where the heck are you?! You never came back from your patrol, we feared you were dead

Y/N: I got captured by a group called the White Fang. They're a group of Faunus who hate humans. I tried to reason with them but they didn't listen so i was forced to attack them. They brought me towards their leader and i was forced to explain everything. Can you get a fix on my location? The leader needs to speak with the lot of you

Nathan: Already got it. Stay where you are and we'll land nearby

Y/N: Copy that

Y/N ended the transmission and got the rest of his armor on before he stepped outside. He noticed the transport craft coming in to land and waved to it to signal his location. It landed nearby and the squad disembarked from the transport. They had their weapons lowered to show they were not hostile. White Fang members observed the closely. Nathan ran to Y/N, worried for his safety

Nathan: Did the White Fang torture you?

Y/N: No, they simply brought me before their leader as she needed to speak with me. She's this way. Remember, we want to show them we mean no harm. 

The others nodded and Y/N led them to the throne room where Sienna Kahn was sat. The six of them knelt and the White Fang guards got ready for any sign of an attack. Sienna made a gesture to them and they lowered their weapons. She gestured for them to rise and they did before Y/N cleared his throat

Y/N: High Leader Sienna Kahn, may I introduce my squad, known as the Heroes. This is the leader of the squad, West. He gestured to West

West: Greetings High leader Khan.

Y/N: The squad sniper, Jyn. He gestured to Jyn

Jyn: Wonderful to meet you

Y/N: Our engineer, Nathan He gestured to Nathan

Nathan: It's an honour

Y/N: Our "Lone Wolf", Dex He gestured to Dex

Dex: Glad to meet someone so pretty looking Sienna growled at that remark. Y/N sighed and knocked Dex out to shut him up

Y/N: Apologies for that. And this is another Juggernaut, Tower. He gestured to Tower, who just saluted  He doesn't say much, so I hope you understand

Sienna: So this is your squad, Y/N. She looked at West  Is is true you see the Faunus as equal?

West: Yes it is. We were taught to respect other people regardless of their looks. The Faunus are no exception. Tower here even has formed a relationship with a rabbit Faunus.

Sienna was surprised

Sienna: Is this true? You, a human, have formed a relationship with a Faunus?

Tower removed his helmet and, to the shock of the Heroes except Y/N, spoke

Tower: Yes it is High Leader. I love her with all my heart. If anyone hurts her, they answer to me

Sienna was shocked at this answer

Jyn: Tower usually doesn't speak much. 

Y/N: Probably because he wants to show respect to the leader of an organisation. One that can easily kill us all with a few words

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