Saving a Life

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My first time writing in this sort of thing. Thanks to NocturneSonicx for their input on suggesting to write this chapter like this 

Y/n was walking through the emerald forest, minding God's own business until he heard a scream..

Y/n: The hell is that?

He turned to see a girl, no older them 15 being crowded with unknown creatures about to kill her.

Y/n: Not on my watch.

Y/n charged to the creatures and shot every one of them down. He ran to the little red hooded girl and asked her if she's ok. Before she talked, three other girls appeared.. Y/N called out to the three girls

Y/N: I need a goddamn medic!!!!

He tried his best to slow the bleeding by applying bandages he had kept in his backpack, but the bandages wouldn't do anything without proper medical attention. The blonde girl saw him crouched over the body of her little sister and ran over to them. 

She noticed Y/N was applying pressure to the wounds her little sister had sustained in her fight with the known creatures

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She noticed Y/N was applying pressure to the wounds her little sister had sustained in her fight with the known creatures. Y/N assumed this was Yang as she was blonde and Pyrrha had said Yang was blonde.

Yang: Ruby!! stares at Y/N You! Did you do this to her!?!

Y/N shook his head and lifted the little red hooded girl who he now knew as Ruby into his arms

Y/N: No, I didn't. she was surrounded by these creatures and she was hurt bad. Come on, we have to hurry up. She's losing blood quickly!

Y/N began running back to the school with the blonde haired girl following close behind. He soon reached the medical room and placed Ruby on a bed. A nurse immediately began checking Ruby over. Y/N and the blonde haired girl were asked to wait outside. Y/N looked at the blonde haired girl

Y/N: Y/N L/N, what's yours? He asked, holding out a hand. The blonde haired girl looked at his hand and at him, before shaking it

Yang: Yang Xiao Long. Thanks for saving my sister Y/N

Y/N: No problem. I hate seeing innocent people getting hurt. I may have been in the military for years, but contrary to popular belief, we soldiers aren't emotionless machines. 

Yang: How long have you been in the military?

Y/N: I was raised in the military since i was 6. I was taught that if you can't save a life when you have the chance to, you shouldn't expect for people to save your life. My drill sergeant taught me and my group that every single day. He told us that all life is sacred, and everyone has a family. I only take lives when i have to, not if i want to.

Yang's eyes widened when Y/N revealed he'd been in the military since he was 6. Y/N removed his helmet and Yang saw his face. She thought he was very good looking. Y/N placed his helmet down on the chair next to him before Yang cleared her throat

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