Introduction into Beacon

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The next day, your transport craft was flying across the sky. Somehow it was barely damaged when it was deposited through the portal

You sat in the transport craft fiddling with your weapons, making sure the safety was on

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You sat in the transport craft fiddling with your weapons, making sure the safety was on. Ozpin had given you time to prepare for an introduction. The six of you had agreed to make an entrance from the transport craft. You, Dex, Tower, Nathan and Jyn would jump from the door while West would be landing the craft. West had said earlier that he preferred to be landing crafts rather than jumping out of them.  You smiled at the memory of what he said and got your helmet on and cracked your knuckles. You checked your parachute to ensure it was strapped securely to your back. West's voice was heard on the intercom.

"We're approaching the target, get ready to jump", he ordered. You, Dex, Nathan, Tower and Jyn made your way to the door. You had a great idea of where you wanted to jump from. Everyone was allowed to either jump from the door or from hanging onto the helicopter's outside. It soon approached the target area and the rotors tilted up to a hover area and the landing gear came down in case any of you wanted to show off

 It soon approached the target area and the rotors tilted up to a hover area and the landing gear came down in case any of you wanted to show off

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Meanwhile, with Ozpin far below, he was giving a speech about how six new arrivals would be staying in Beacon. They were all stood outside at the outside of the school, near the centre so they could see your squad arriving in style.

"Today we have six new arrivals. They arrived here through unknown means but they are very experienced in combat. They are part of a squad known as the Heroes. They've been through so much and sacrificed a lot to be where they are.", he spoke and sent up a flare. West saw that flare and motioned for you and the squad to begin your descents.

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Jyn was standing in the open doorway of the craft and when he saw the motion, he jumped and began free-falling to the ground, showing off a little during his way down.

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