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A few weeks later, Y/N wandered around a forest with his shotgun ready. He'd been ordered by West to search the terrain. He soon noticed something look at him from behind a tree and headed towards it. Whatever it was ran off and Y/N followed. He noticed it was someone wearing a mask

Y/N: Wait up! I want to talk to you

The masked person stopped and looked at Y/N, before disappearing into a tunnel. Y/N followed close behind and soon lost sight of  the being in the darkness. Suddenly the lights came on and Y/N saw a lot of masked beings. What he noticed was they all had animal features. They were Faunus

They surrounded Y/N, cutting off any escape routes

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They surrounded Y/N, cutting off any escape routes. Y/N looked at the masked Faunus and put his shotgun away. One of the Faunus spoke, one with a wolf tail

Wolf Faunus: Who are you and why are you here?!

Y/N: I saw one of you watching me and I was curious about why you were watching me. I followed them and ended up here. I mean no harm

To show he meant no harm, Y/N removed his helmet. Immediately the Faunus drew weapons on him. Another Faunus spoke, this one with deer antlers.

Deer Faunus: A HUMAN!!! Kill them!!

Y/N: Wait! I'm not like the others

Deer Faunus: That's what they all say! The White Fang will bring equality at any cost. Humans have to know what we can do!!!

Y/N: Please, I mean no harm. I don't want any trouble

The wolf Faunus spoke again

Wolf Faunus: Should have thought of that before you came here!!

Y/N: I am so sorry this had to be done....

Y/N put his helmet back on and took out his katana. The White Fang Faunus rushed at him. Y/N blocked sword strikes and dodged bullets from the Faunus using guns. One of the White Fang noticed he didn't have a lot of armor in his legs and shot Y/N in the back of his lower left leg, causing him to stagger. The Faunus soon managed to gain the upper hand on him and knocked him out. They stood over his unconscious form. The deer Faunus answered a call from someone on his Scroll and nodded before looking back at his fellow Faunus

Wolf Faunus: What do we do with him?

Deer Faunus: High Leader Khan will decide. This human said he meant no harm, but High Leader Khan should hear this for herself to decide his fate. He did fight well, though. Get him on the transport!

They tied up the unconscious Y/N and put him on a Bullhead heading for the White Fang's base of operations. A few hours later, they arrived at the White Fang base. Y/N slowly regained consciousness to find himself tied up and a female White Fang leopard Faunus looking at him

Y/N: Uhhh....wha...where am I?

Leopard Faunus: Our base. High Leader Khan wishes to speak with you, human!

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