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Alyssa's POV:

The morning sun creeped through the curtains and into the dark room, waking me. I rubbed my eyes, the light bothering my vision as my head pounded with every breath I took. I sat up and began to look around, finally taking in my surroundings. The room was unfamiliar and so was the bed I was laying in and I couldn't help but notice I was only in a oversized T-shirt (that was not mine) and underwear. What the hell happened last night? As I was moving around about to push myself out of bed, I felt another presence underneath my hand. I shrieked. A figure next to me that I didn't notice before due to the covers finally began to sit up, groaning and rubbing their eyes as well.

"What the hell was-" the figure stopped talking as soon as they finally looked around.
"Oh shit. Not again." They said and finally looked at me. My wide eyes finally meeting Noah's.
"Oh shit!" We both said at the same time. He looked under the covers, realizing he was only wearing boxers. No shirt. No pants.

"Noah, what the hell happened last night!?" I asked hurried and worriedly.
"I- I don't know!" he stuttered "Alyssa, just know that if anything did happen, I'm so so sorry! I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk!" Half of me was happy that he was apologizing, but for some reason the other half was slightly hurt that he was apologizing if we DID do something.

"Noah...did we-?"
"I don't know. I don't know. I hope not! Wait, where the hell is Jojo?! This is his room, his house."
We both began to get up and I found my jeans from last night, laying on the floor. I slipped them on as Noah stayed shirtless but slipped on some black basketball shorts. I followed him down the stairs trying to find Jojo. Noah went straight for the kitchen and I followed.

"Damn we're fücked" he said with his hands combing through his messy hair. The place was a mess!
Red solo cups and beer bottles were scattered all over the room and the place reeked. I left Noah in the kitchen and went to go look for Jojo in the living room.

Lo and behold, he was asleep on the couch face down with one hand hanging off the sofa, fully clothed thank god! I rubbed his  shoulder, "Jojo," he stayed asleep.
I shook his shoulder a little harder this time and spoke louder "Jojo wake up!" I whisper yelled. He groaned, "Go the fuck away, Noah!" He mumbled into the cushion on the couch. I laughed and replied "It's not Noah, Jojo. It's me, Alyssa. You have to wake up!" He finally rolled over, slowly of course and squinted his eyes, the light bothering him.

"God dammit. What the fuck happened!" He said, taking in the setting he was in. Noah then came bathing into the living room, "Hurry and get your ass off the couch! We gotta clean this place up! When do your parents get home?!" Noah questioned him hurriedly.
"'Bout three," Jojo stayed nonchalantly.
"Ok thats not too bad. We have four and a half hours to get this place in shape. Now get your ass up! The place isn't gonna clean itself! You get the living room, me and Alyssa will get the kitchen." Noah handed Jojo a trash bag and began walking back into the kitchen.

I watched as Jojo gave a glare then began to follow orders and I made my way back with Noah. We both picked up all the cups and bottles and any other waste and threw it into the garbage bags, an awkward silence filling the atmosphere while we proceeded with the task.

"Listen, I'm sorry about whatever happened last night. I know neither of us remember, but the fact that we woke up the way we did, nothing good probably happened. So, I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean for any of this to happen the way it did, Jones." Noah sincerely apologized.
"It's cool, Anderson. It's not all your fault anyway so don't take all the blame. It's on me too. I'm sorry."

The last thing that I could recall from last night was drinking and dancing with Alex. I remember her calling Noah over to hand us some shots. He said something to me, that is blurred in my memory and after that all I remember is me and Alex dancing. Then I just blank out and can't remember anything after that.

For the rest of the afternoon I continued to clean with Noah and Jojo. We were able to get the house cleaned up in about two and a half hours and it was looking pretty normal by then.

Jojo was kind enough to let us both borrow his bathrooms to let us wash up and shower if we wanted to. I gladly accepted his offer wanting nothing more than to be rid of this stench of alcohol and the thin sticky layer of sweat that had been forming on my skin from cleansing the house.

Me and Noah both left at around two o'clock. We got into his car and as soon as he shut his door, my stomach growled as loud as possible due to not eating since yesterday.

Noah laughed, "Hungry, Jones?" I shrugged, embarrassed. "I guess."
"So am I. I know a good diner near by. You down?" He turned over and glanced at me with a small grin on his face. I gave a small smile, "For sure. I'm down." He smiled genuinely and began to back out of the drive through, heading to the diner.


Noah and I sat in the nearly empty diner, still in our booth, and still talking about nothing yet everything. We got to know each other better and joked about the few things we did remember from last night. I teased him about how he kissed me and he'd simply blush and tease back saying that I kissed back. We laughed, talked and laughed even more.

"So..." I dragged.
"Hey, are you still talking to that guy? The one that you always used to post about?" He questioned. I got the chills and my eyes widened. I was surprised that he hadn't forgotten and that he hasn't figured it out yet. Little did he know.
"I- umm, I mean. Uh, no, no yeah yes I am. I am still talking to him. It's just a little um... complicated, I guess" he gave a confused and saddened look.

"What about you? Are you still talking to that girl that you said you were?" I asked with a genuine smile on my face. His cheeks turned to a deep red and his smile was unexplainably wide. I chuckled. "So, I'll take that as a yes!" I smiled and laughed some more at him.

He chuckled lightly, a blush still covering his cheeks. "Yeah, me and her are still talking. She's amazing. She's funny and pretty and likes the same things as me. I like her a lot and I think I'm gonna ask her out." My heart got it's hopes up as he said that, praying that it was me he was talking about. I smiled at how happy he was.


heyitsalyssa: thank you for the lunch/dinner, Anderson. Had a good time. Hope everything goes good with your girl. :)

_drippin_noah_: thanks Jones. I had a great time. <3 c u later. :*

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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