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"Amara!" My father called out, staring down at me with anger conveyed in his expression. I pulled out one of the earphones from my ear before looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something more. But I got nothing, so I asked, "What happened?" I managed to maintain a calm and polite voice, despite losing my self-control in my head since my father just pissed me off on my own summer.

"Whatever happened to picking your own brother up from the airport?" He looked at me through his big brown eyes - ones that my brother and I inherited. For a single father, my dad had managed to keep himself intact and sane and stable for the both of us. He also kept his company and managed to earn enough to allow us all to live a life of luxury, something my mom gave up too easily if you ask me. But there was no denial in the fact that he did a great job at raising and loving us both, even if he sent one of us away, we were both his twins.

"Fine. I'll go now." I grumpily replied before getting up from my seat and switching my laptop off. I was writing a story that I wanted to publish and figured that it'd be great to continue it whenever I could. So that was what I was doing by the poolside of my family's vacation home. I paused to see my father walk back into the house before heading into the kitchen to make dinner. Without wasting any more time, I picked my things up and took them inside, only to drop them in my room before grabbing my phone and car keys to pick Ro up from the airport. It had been so long since I last saw him, which was when I was 8, and now I'm 18. He was sent to boarding school for always getting into trouble with the teacher, in England. He was meant to live with my mom - who is no longer married to my dad - but he refused and stayed on campus instead. I had only heard his voice through phone calls but never did see his face. But we did text each other constantly, as much as we could. And last time we spoke, he asked me to pick him up so that he didn't have to hear dad's dramatic "I've missed you son" speech. Believe it or not - that's a thing. My dad loves us dearly and does not miss any opportunity to remind us of it, and we don't mind, unless we are not in the mood or in public.

"I'm going!" I called out to my dad before happily getting into my car to start it. I speed-dialled his number before driving to the airport.

"Hey Mara?" His voice called out through the Bluetooth speakers of the car.

"Yeah. Hey." I replied.

"I need you to pick me up right now." He declared.

"I'm on my way."

"No. Now. I'm being stalked by a whole load of females and I hate it."

I chuckled, "Are you sure it's you they want?"

"Just get here." He angrily replied, making me laugh a little.

"Hide somewhere. I'll be here soon." I said before ending the call and hitting on the gas to drive faster. In no less than twenty minutes, I had arrived at my destination and speed-dialled him again to notify him.

"Took you long enough." He sarcastically said as he shoved his luggage into the boot and climbed into the passenger seat.

"I was working on my story." I whined back in response before he settled into his seat and pulled me into a warm and protective embrace.

"The one you've been writing all summer?" He asked and I nodded. "Can I read it?" I nodded again in response to his question.

"I need harsh critiques anyway. So of course you can read it." I replied with a smile before staring at him for a while. "Honestly you had a sexy glow up. From being a chubby and cute baby boy to a damn sexy man." I admitted shamelessly.

He smirked, "Is my baby sister crushing on me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right. And I'm younger only by 35 minutes."

"Still a huge gap." He replied as he laughed cutely. He was right. I was born unusually late for a set of twins. "I like your new hair colour." He commented on my dark blue hair.

"I changed it after graduation. It didn't look too good with my pale pink dress for prom and my white one for graduation." He looked at me confusingly, "It made me look too pale and dead. I mean I got slightly tanned when at the beach during the start of summer. And it was my 18th birthday gift from you." I smirked at the last part as I started to drive; ever since we were little, my brother and I would gift ourselves something claiming the other gave it to us. But we obviously paid for the gift we "gave".

He chuckled a bit, "You gave me a tattoo." He declared before lifting the hem of his shirt up to reveal a simple tattoo of what looked like a tribal design.

"I have great taste." I joked while taking us home.

"How's dad?" He asked.

"Good. He screamed at me to pick you up if that says anything." I informed.

"Sounds like he's happy to have his favourite child back." He comically insisted.

"Sure." I sarcastically replied. Silence fell in between us as we drove back home to greet dad and our puppy, Podo - we called him that since he has big, round eyes, Podo means grape in Korean so there's that. He was a gift that dad gave us for our 17th birthday, even though Podo never met Ro, we knew that he'd live my brother as much as he loved me.

"So how're your best friends' summer been? You know Talia and Luna." Ro curiously asked.

I parked the car as we got home, "I don't know. We stopped talking for a while. We seemed to busy with our own lives to even talk to each other."

"Really? The famous three musketeers haven't ignited their flames on so long? That's kind of hard to believe." He was referring to how much I'd talk about them and what we'd do all year round. We were crazy around each other.

I sighed in response before climbing out of the car and pulling his luggage out of the trunk. My brother on the other hand turned me into his slave as he admired the view of our mansion, and of dad running to him with his arms open for an embrace.

 My brother on the other hand turned me into his slave as he admired the view of our mansion, and of dad running to him with his arms open for an embrace

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A/N: Guys, this is the first chapter of the story and I will try my best to update this book regularly. But please do read the books written by: Akifah_R and fabxfabx!

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