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Shoutout to xxMarxx15 for your consistent support in my book "Best Man's Speech". This chapter is dedicated to you.

"So what happens now?" I asked Jae, staring at him as he parked outside my house. I was certain that I could start a conversation with him, in his car, since my dad was at work, courtesy to his car not being parked in our driveway.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, turning his head to look at me. In return, I turned my whole body to face him, "What are we?" I didn't want to start behaving like we were a couple when we probably weren't, hence my desire for clarification.

"What do you want us to be?" He vaguely asked, frustrating me a little bit more than I wanted him to.

"Anything, as long as it is something better than this." I pointed my figure at the space between us, slyly suggesting that I wanted us to be a couple. I hope he got the point, I really wanted us to be a couple.

"Be honest with me, what do you want us to be?" He smirked, leaning forward and positioning himself in front of me. His lips were barely a few inches away from mine, I was fighting the urge to aggressively push my lips against his. But the smirk he wore made everything harder for me, he was frustrating me in more than one way.

"I don't know." I mumbled almost inaudibly. I knew what I wanted, he knew that and he knew very well what it was that I wanted from him. This was a game to him, a way to perfectly torture me while teasing me with his words.

He leaned in, closer to my ears this time, "A couple?" My eyes diverted to look at him, he was no longer wearing the sexy but cruel smirk, instead he was looking at me with a slightly unfamiliar expression. It was almost as if he was staring at me with nothing but love. His eyes looked at me with all the care and concern in the world. "Is that what you want?" His voice brought me back to reality and I childishly nodded, making him chuckle a little as he smiled happily at my response, despite how immature I seemed.

"I should probably go inside." I said, looking around to find my brother's car perfectly parked in his spot. Jae nodded in agreement, but we both knew that we didn't want to part at that moment, in fact, we wanted the very opposite. "I'll walk you inside." He offered, it wasn't really a offer, we both knew he wasn't going to wait for my approval to do that. I nodded before finally climbing out of the car and heading towards the front door, Jae followed behind me after locking his car.

Unlocking the front door, I noticed that the house was quiet and looked as if nobody had walked inside, which is unusual since my brother has a habit of leaving his jacket and bag on the couch before rummaging through the kitchen fridge. I turned to look at Jae and he seemed to have understood what I was focusing on. We both looked down and saw sight of two pairs of shoes left beside the shoe rack, my brother's shoes and the shoes of someone with small feet. I had my suspicions but I prayed that I was wrong. "Look around." Jae suggested before we both split to look around the bottom floor. I searched the kitchen and found two glasses of red wine emptied but placed on the kitchen counter, while the bottle was more than half full. I sighed, slightly worried about what I would see if I ever found my brother in this house.

I walked out of the empty kitchen and headed towards the pool, only to find nothing but the cool summer breeze blowing on me. I sighed as I breathed in the refreshing air before stepping back inside my house to hunt down my twin who was older than me by the unusual 35 minutes. Walking back inside the building, I found Jae shaking his head, informing me that my incredible brother was not on the bottom floor of our house. I made my way upstairs, following behind Jae as he lead me. We both froze when we heard noises of a room door creaking. "Why do you both look like you've been sneaking around?" Ro asked, standing behind us, making us both spin on our heels as we turned to face him.

"How long have you been here?" Jae ignored his question.

"A while." Zero replied, looking at us expectantly as he waited for our answers, but we didn't give him any. "Why are you so quiet?" I asked him, annoyed that he made my heart beat skip as I started making mental assumptions that would scare me if I was proven right by seeing anything I wouldn't ever want to see.

"Because she's asleep." Zero replied, pointing at his room door. But the idiot forgot that his door, thankfully, is opaque and we had no idea who it was that he had bought home.

"Who?" Jae asked, narrowing his eyebrows at Zero. He was asking the same questions that I wanted to ask my brother.

"Luna." He calmly answered, making my heart and mind do a million double takes before finally coming down to Earth when Jae spoke, "She's asleep in your room?" I looked up at my newly made boyfriend - damn that sounds like I just made him from a lab. Jae wore an expression where his eyebrows were narrowed and he was clearly hinting at the fifty shades of my brother that I didn't want to ever be made aware of.

"Yeah. She fell asleep on the way here so I decided to bring her here." Zero casually answered. But before I could ask him anything more, he asked us his rephrased question, "Why were you guys sneaking around and why are you asking me a million questions?"

We both looked at each other in a slightly guilty manner before I finally answered, "We were looking for you." Zero wasn't convinced and wore an expression that demanded the full truth, "We thought you brought home a girl to sexually please. And so we were sneaking around to make sure that you didn't do that, without getting caught." Jae had added to my answer and looked at him like we had the right to behave how we did. Jae was wearing an awkwardly happy smile when he said those words, making my brother smile in the same way too.

Zero was completely unfazed by our explanation, instead he rolled his eyes and was about to walk downstairs. But I couldn't help myself and asked him the question I had been wanting to ask for a few seconds now, "You didn't sleep with her, did you?" Zero looked at me before finally giving me an answer.

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